15. Awful People

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Buck had been acting weird lately. Not like the usual kind of Buck type weirdness either. "Does any know what's going on with Buck?" I asked Eddie and Hen.

"Not at all." Eddie said to me.

"No, why? What's going on?" Hen asked me with concern.

"He seems to be acting weird lately and he's near enough stopped visiting me after work. You don't think that he's gonna break up with me or something?" I asked the two of them they both looked at me.

"Are you stupid? The only thing that Buck mainly talks about is you. There's no way he's going to end it with you." Eddie said to me, I wish I could believe that.

"He's right besides maybe he's just got something to say but he doesn't know how to put it." Hen said to me, what did she know that I didn't.

"Fine, I'll believe you both but if anything happens. You will feel what it's like to lose an amazing person in your life." I said jokingly.

"We all know that you will always come back to us." Eddie said while laughing. The alarm then went off. We all got in the engine and off we wait to the parking lot of a mall.

"LAFD. Step aside, please." Dad said as we walked over, a woman had been ran over.

"I didn't know what to do. I was afraid to move the car." An elderly woman told me and Dad.

"You did the right thing. We'll take it from here." Dad said before we went over to the woman.

"Do any of you have a pen? I've got a partial license plate. Somebody should write it down." She said to us, she was really thinking about insurance at this time.

"Don't worry about the license plate, ma'am. It's right here on the back of the car." Eddie said to him, I mean it's not like the license plate could go anyone unless the driver went somewhere else.

"Not this car. The car that hit me." She said to us, so there was another car now.

"Uh, wait, this isn't the car that hit you?" Buck asked her confusedly.

"No, this is the car that ran me over. Both better be insured." She said to us, she needed to calm down.

"Let's just focus on getting you out of here first, ma'am." Dad said while standing up.

"I think there's enough room. We can slide a backboard under here and pull her out that way." Buck said to us while looking under the car.

"Okay, c-can you tell me your name?" Eddie asked her, I saw Chim and Hen approach us.

"Lorraine." She said before grunting. I then saw Athena walk over. Hen looked at Lorraine.

"Hey, wait. Don't we know you?" Hen asked while looking at her closely.

"Uh, no, I don't...I don't-I don't think so." She answered.

"Last year, Hancock Park." Hen said, so obviously they did know her.

"That's right. I never forget a femur." Chim said making me smile, I tend to remember faces more than anything. Athena hummed. Lorraine nervously chucked.

"It's the damned Porch Pirate." Athena said to us. She'd been caught red-handed. I went to go and talk to Dad when everyone else went to help the Porch Pirate. I told him about what had been going on with Buck and he assured me that there was nothing to worry about. Honestly I was gonna have to confront him myself. After shift of course. When we got to the station I decided to take punching bag. It was always a good way to help me relax. I saw Chim approach me. I stopped. "What is it?" I asked with a sigh.

Issues // Buck X Reader // 9-1-1 [Book 1] (COMPLETED) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now