72. Outside Looking In

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Since Eddie left we still hadn't found a replacement, but we were working our way through potential candidates. It was a new one every shift, but me and Hen didn't call them names. Only the days they worked. Today we had a man on the roof. "Through here, through here." A guy said while running over.

"Hey." Dad said to him.

"The country club said the building's been vacant for repairs. That's why nobody heard him hit the roof." I heard the guy say before he went out of earshot. I was walking with Buck. We walked over to the building.

"Jonah, Hen, you take the roof. Buck, Y/n, we're gonna come at him on the inside. Ericson, you're up top on the assist." Dad said to us all before me and Buck went to take a look inside. He'd come through the ceiling.

"Cap, how we looking down there?" Hen asked Dad from the roof.

"Almost in position." Dad said before we moved some stuff out of the way.

"Uh, hey, Cap, I don't want to be insensitive, but, uh, do his legs look really short? Oh..." Buck said to us all before we all saw it. There was a huge issue.

"Oh, god." I got out while looking at them.

"Hen, Jonah, get down here right now." Dad put out over the radio. His bones were coming out the skin.

"Bilateral open knee dislocation. The impact forced the femurs down through the knee. Landed on his feet, and his upper legs kept going." Hen said while examining them, I was dreading what would come out of Monday's mouth.

"Thinking it's better now that he can't feel them." He said but I completely ignored him.

"Blood loss isn't that bad considering. Lucky he didn't sever his femoral arteries." Hen said to us all. We needed to get him to the hospital.

"Do we reset them here?" Monday asked, god he was stupid.

"Absolutely not. You know better than to attempt that out in the field." Hen said while looking a the bones.

"I heard you like to push the envelope. Something about having your hand inside of a guy's torso for two hours?" He asked, but that was needed in order for the victim to survive.

"That's an entirely different envelope. Grab the splints." Hen said to him before I went outside to where Dad and Buck were. "Ready for extraction, Cap." She said over the radio.

"All right, Lenny, you stay calm things are gonna get a little noisy." Dad said before Buck got the chainsaw running. We got him out and had a round of applause as we were heading to the ambulance. The mariachi band played as well it was nice to be there uninvited. Once we got home Martina was crawling on the floor chasing after Simba. Buck and I were just watching her. This was a cute moment we wanted to remember forever. She then started to stand up and walk a little bit. Taking her first steps. That night we were heading to Eddie's for dinner so we kinda ate a bit in preparation. Dad was looking after Martina for the time being.

"Your food okay?" Eddie asked as I'd barely eaten half of it, it was filling.

"It's really good. I wish I was able to cook like this good but..." I started before Eddie cut me off a bit.

"He told you to eat something before you came here, didn't he?" Eddie asked while pointing at Buck and he was completely right.

"Well..." I started while looking at Evan.

"I wasn't gonna take any chances. You do not ever want to meet Y/n when she's hangry. But this is, this is, this is really good. Uh...Carla, you can come on out. I know you made dinner. Come on. Where are you?" Buck said making us all laugh, Carla clearly wasn't here.

Issues // Buck X Reader // 9-1-1 [Book 1] (COMPLETED) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now