52. How To Tell

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I'd been up all night long, thinking about what was said at that dinner. This was going to take me ages to get over it. I went over to Hen's. Once the door opened I was greeted by Denny. "Auntie Y/n's here!" He shouted and I saw Hen appear.

"Denny you need to stop opening the door on people." She said to him before coming to the door. "Come on in Y/n." She said to me and we went to the dining table. I saw Karen in the kitchen.

"Would you like a coffee?" She asked me with a smile.

"Not for me thanks. I'm taking a break from it. I'll just have water if that's ok." I said to her and she nodded.

"Your stronger than I am." She said to me with a chuckle. We were all coffee addicts let's face it.

"Is everything okay?" Hen asked me and I looked at her.

"Not at all." I said to her I saw a flash of worry on my face. "I'm okay in that aspect." I said to her and I saw some relief on her face. I saw Karen come over with the drinks. "Thank you." I said to her before taking the water.

"I'm what aspect?" She asked me confusedly and I looked at her.

"I'm pregnant. I don't know for how long but only Hen and now you know." I said to her and I could instantly see why.

"Got it, well congratulations." She said to me with a smile.

"Thank you." I said to her with a smile. Hen looked at me.

"Now what's troubling you." She said to me and I looked at her.

"So, we had the other dinner last night and Buck's parents said to him that the reason they didn't come to our wedding was because he was making a mistake marrying me. I was a mistake." I said to her and she looked and then at Karen.

"And they just openly said this in front you?" Karen asked me and I nodded.

"Do you know why they said it was a mistake?" Hen asked me and I looked at her.

"Not at all. But if I had to guess it's because I'm an ex-addict but when I'd met Buck I'd been sober for what 6 years then the only relapse I had was with those brownies." I said to the two of them and they both looked at me.

"Exactly it's not like still doing drugs or breaking anything about your sobriety. And when you did it was never your fault." Karen said to me.

"Exactly." I said to them.

"Y/n, look at me. If they're going to be like then you don't need them. You don't need their opinion, Bobby's opinion is what needs to matter to you. Not their's to you there strangers who are judging someone they don't even know. But don't stress or lose any sleep over this. You know it's not your worth time." She said to me and she was right.

"And if Buck was told that before the wedding day then he didn't listen did he because he's with you. He never left." Karen said to me, she was right.

"Your both right, this whole thing will have to be put on hold. I have priorities to worry about. Not whether I have their approval or not." I said to the two of and they both looked at me and smiled.

"I'm glad about this Y/n. They aren't worth your time." Karen said to me. I stayed with them a bit longer before I left. Once we got to work Buck had something to tell us all.

"That explains so much about you." Eddie said to him as Buck was leaning on the bannister.

"It's a miracle that you even survived childhood." Hen said to him, it truly was.

"It's a miracle he survived yesterday." Eddie said to her, I looked at him.

"I mean I looked after him, like usual." I said to Eddie get a smile from Buck.

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