37. Fallout

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Tomorrow would be the day I take that test. Well that's what I'd been telling myself for the past 2 days but still I couldn't. I feel like it I was nervous especially given that I'd had a miscarriage in the past and I was scared of having another one. So the whole thing of not knowing was comforting but not at the same time. Today we called about a meteor going through someone's body.

"Oh, I am one who called." An older woman said to Dad as we arrived.

"Ma'am, what's the name of the victim?" Dad asked her as she took ahold of him.

"Her name is Olivia. She is alive. It is a miracle. I see it fall from space." She said to us as we entered Olivia's home. "Oh! It fall al the way from heaven and land on top of her." She said to us once we entered.

"You mean through her." Chim said as we saw the hole in Olivia.

"This can't be happening, right?" Olivia asked us, Buck went to look under the sofa to see if it went all the way through.

"Pulse is strong. Airway's clear. Breathing's good. CRT is good." Chim said to us, how was this normal at all.

"Olivia, I need you to tell me your pain level from one to ten." Dad said to her, I was curious to know if she could feel anything.

"It's, like, a four, but it's throbbing. How am I even alive? I have a hole in me!" She said to us, I wanted to know how she was alive as well. Looks like she was a miracle.

"Hey, Cap." Buck said to him. He then waved through the hole which made me shake me head.

"It looks like left lower abdomen, might have taken out the kidney or at least lacerated it." Chim said to us.

"Well if it has then it might be not as serious as we think, it's fixable." I said to them.

"Can you wiggle your toes for me, ma'am?" Eddie said to her and she wiggled them. "It definitely missed the spine, Cap." Eddie said to us, this girl truly was a miracle.

"Yeah, and this weighted blanket contained the blast radius. Must have cauterized most of the blood vessels on the way through and the nerves too." Chim said to us while shining a light on her. That's why there was no blood.

"That's why you're not in excessive pain, Olivia." Dad said to her, she was lucky.

"Lucky me." She said to us sarcastically.

"Cap, we're gonna have to move her with this blanket." Chim said to us, it was the only way the blanket was cemented to her.

"And that chaise is also fused to her, Cap." Buck said to us before rolling over. "Guys! Guys, I-I found it. All the way from outer space. Should I grab it?" Buck asked us while appearing at the side of the chaise.

"Doesn't belong to you, Buck." Dad said to him.

"There's no space for it." I said to him, he laughed a little seeming as I said space.

"It belongs in a museum." Chim said while doing an impression of Harrison Ford. The others looked confused.

"Okay, we're gonna need the saws, both of 'em." Dad said to us.

"Yeah." Buck said before getting up.

"I'm sorry. Did you say saws? Did he say saws? Did you say saws?" She asked us, when Buck came back with the saws we started cutting her free in a way. "Of all the people on the planet, the thing had to hit me." She said to us.

"You know what? Only one other person in history has ever been hit by a meteorite, and that was in the '50s, which makes you pretty special." Buck said to her with a smile. He had researched so many things that he would always smile when he told me about them.

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