43. One harsh night

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I don't think anyone was expecting the turn of events that would be happening tonight. It started it as a normal day. "Firefighter Nash, do you copy?" Dad asked over the radio. We were at the station but we were testing them to make sure they were working.

"Yes, I copy. Over." I said to him back. At least mine was working.

"Firefighter Diaz, do you copy?" Dad asked Eddie over the radio. I walked over to where he was stood.

"Five by five, Cap. Over." Eddie said back to him.

"Chimney, report." Dad said to him.

"Read you loud and clear. I've got eyes on Hen who I can already tell screwed up my coffee." Chim said over the radio making me smile and shake my head.

"And yes, my radio's working just fine. Over." Hen said over the radio. I saw her walking over with coffee in hand. When she walked over to me she passed me my coffee and like usually I had the right order.

"Buck, sound off." Dad said over to the radio to Buck.

"We have visitors, Cap." Buck said to him, not over the radio. I looked where Buck was looking. Carla and Christopher were here.

"Buck, the whole point of the test is to say it into the radio." Dad said while looking at Buck, I shook my head and looked up at Buck.

"We have visitors, Cap." Buck said again while looking down. "Hey, did I pass? Over." He asked with that smile that he has.

"Close enough." Dad said with a smile.

"Dad!" Christopher shouted, I took another sip of my coffee. I was in dire need of it.

"Hey, guys." Eddie said while walking over to them. I went over to Buck.

"You have coffee?" Buck asked me, I took another sip.

"Yeah, I think Hen has yours. But you can have a sip of mine." I said while offering him my cup.

"That's so kind of you, thank you." He said while trying to take my cup but instead I drank some more and walked away. "I'll remember that when you went something of mine." He said to me, I looked back and saw him smiling.

"I doubt that you won't give in." I said to him with a smile. He shook his head, I went over to Hen and Chim. We then had to go out on a call. I was glad I finished my coffee. We were called to a ranch.

"What do we got?" I heard Dad ask Athena.

"Missing boy. Two kids playing in an open field. Mom calls them home, only one shows up. Sounded like maybe an abduction. Roads not far away. Made sense. But then I'm interviewing the mother, asking the usual questions, and I saw this. Photo came with the house." Athena said to Dad and I as we entered the house, I looked at the picture. That wind is wasn't there now.

"I didn't see a windmill when we pulled up." Dad said to her.

"Yeah, torn down years ago. It used to power a water pump." Athena said to us, this wasn't looking too good.

"There's an abandoned well on the property." Dad said, now we didn't have much time to try and find him.

"Hayden! Hayden!" A firefighter shouted after we were told some information.

"Hayden!" Buck shouted.

"Hayden!" I shouted, I was just hoping to find the kid before dark.

"Hayden?" Hen shouted out.

"Hayden!" Chim shouted, I would hate to be the kids mom. I'd be worried sick.

"Hayden!" Buck shouted, I just wanted him to say something back to us.

Issues // Buck X Reader // 9-1-1 [Book 1] (COMPLETED) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now