7. Full Moon (Creepy AF)

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Tonight was a full moon. We all know what that means, it was when all weirdos would come out from hiding and cause havoc on the city. But back to the 24 hours before the full moon. My preparation for the full moon was by rewatching episodes of Grey's Anatomy while being curled up in my bed. Very exciting stuff. When it was the full moon shift. Me and Buck went out on a call to rescue a little girl who's gotten trapped in a claw machine. We got to the arcade and got the hand drill out before heading inside.

"All right, folks, coming through. Excuse us, please." Buck said to the crowd of people. "Hey." Buck said to the mother.

"Hi." She said to him.

"Hey, sweetie. Now how did you get in there?" I asked the little girl in the machine.

"We're gonna have to take you out of that's okay with you." Buck said to her and she nodded. "All right. You'll be fine." Buck said to her before starting to get the screws out. The little girl just started giggling. Once the screws were out he popped the side open. "Hi. Are you ready? Yeah? Watch your head?" Buck asked before picking her up and carrying her out. "Oh, I got you. I got you." Buck said before handing the girl back to her mother.

"Thank you. I can't believe they didn't have a key for this." She said to the two of us.

"It happens, it's not the first time I've been called to something like this." I said to her with a smile and a nod.

"Don't worry. It's, uh, it's one of those nights. And here. Congratulations you win a  moo-moo." Buck said while handing the girl a cow plush.

"And for being so brave you also win an amazing unicorn." I said while getting one out and handing it to her. We both walked out the place. "It feels so odd, this being your first day back. And it just so happens it's the most eventful night of the year." I said to him with a smile.

"There's no other better day to work though. Especially when it's a full moon and it's when all the freaks come out." He said before howling and making me laugh a little.

"You're such a dork and that makes you adorable." I said to him with a laugh.

"What are you doing after the shift?" He asked me with a mischievous smile.

"Probably what I do after the end of every shift, just get home and rewatch Grey's Anatomy. Not unless you have other plans." I said to him with an eyebrow raise. I knew what he was trying to get at.

"Well, we could have a stay at home date, at your apartment." He said to me mischievously.

"Why not." I said to him before giving him a quick kiss on the lips.

"Is that it?" He asked me while raising his arms.

"You'll have to wait until later for more." I said to him before we arrived at the truck. We had another call, to a yoga class for pregnant women. And of course Buck was telling my Dad all about the full moon.

"It's a fact. Gravity is a heavier during full moons; scientists have proven it." Buck said to us as he was carrying the back board. Where did he get this information from is what I wanted to know.

"You read this in a peer-reviewed, scientific publication?" Dad asked him, that would be the only way that I would believe it.

"Uh, I don't know, is the internet considered a scientific publication?" Buck asked us.

"No, it really doesn't." I said to him, probably crushing the man.

"Buck, the idea that the moon causes odd behavior and happenings goes back to the first century. It's folklore, magical thinking." Dad said to him before we took the elevator up.

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