61. Survivors

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I still was in shock that a firefighter had been shot. And if was Buck what do I do? Would I just show that all pregnancies that I'd have would cursed. It wasn't long until I got a phone call from Hen. I answered it as me and Hayden got in the car. "Y/n, Eddie's been shot. I know that your stressing. They're taking him to the hospital." She said to me, I got in the car.

"What hospital Hen?" I asked her and she told me. Once she said the name we both hung up and went there. I saw Buck walking outside as we parked up. I instantly ran over to him. I was relieved but not at that the same time.

"What are you doing here?" He asked me while hugging me, I was so grateful to see him.

"I heard that a firefighter got shot and I thought it was you because my calls kept going to voicemail." I said to him as tears started to stream down my face.

"I'm sorry. Now I need to go and see Christopher." He said to me, he wasn't okay. He was in shock. I looked at his hands and saw blood.

"No, your not seeing Christopher like this. Hayden is here, he'll drive us home you can shower and change. Then we'll go. But for now your not okay." I said to him, he nodded.

"I need to talk to Christopher." He said to me and I looked at him.

"Not like this your not." I said to him before we started walking to Hayden's car. I saw an ambulance pull up.

"Come on! She's been shot! Let's go!" A paramedic shouted, it was another firefighter.

"Another one? What's happening to us." I said to Buck, I was grateful to not be working that could've been me in that ambulance.

"We were ambushed. The shot came out of nowhere." A firefighter said to the paramedic.

"What the hell is going on?" Buck asked, I looked up at him.

"I don't know but I'm scared." I said to him before we started walking again. We went home and he cleaned up. We then went to Eddie's place. This was going to be hard. Buck wanted to do it alone. Which was just going to make everything worse. I started cooking to take my mind off of everything. I only stopped once I heard crying from Christopher's room. It was Buck. I walked in immediately and hugged him.

"It's gonna be okay Buck." Christopher said to him, I looked at the two of them.

"Exactly, listen to Christopher. But I promise you. He'll be okay, everyone will be okay." I said to them. What made it worse was every shift now, Buck had to wear a bullet proof vest. He looked good in it but it wasn't the best. Me and him were sleeping on the sofa for the time being.

"Buck. Buck." Christopher said as he shook Buck awake. I was just walking down the hall from the bathroom.

"Hey." Buck said as he woke up.

"Can I talk to my dad now?" He asked. Not even I knew if he could.

"Um...um, n-not yet. He's, uh, still resting. Maybe later, okay?" Buck said to him, when Buck had to go to work I was terrified that he wouldn't even come home. That whole shift I was stressing and I was alone again seeming as Christopher was at school. Every time I'd close my eyes, they only thing I would think of is Buck being shot. Yes I may have been a targeted firefighter before but I survive by the skin on my teeth. Once it arose to the morning after Buck's shift I was glad. Even if I had barely realized that this was now week 30. Not many more to go. As the three of us were eating I saw Carla walk in.

"Good morning! Oh, are we still in our pajamas? School starts in 20 minutes." Carla said as she saw Buck, I didn't even think about school.

"Sorry, that's-thats my fault. Slept through the alarm." Buck said to her with a smile.

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