54. There Goes The Neighborhood

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What was starting out as a complete normal and ordinary shift was taking a change. I was currently on week 9 of my pregnancy and morning sickness was already being a nightmare. In two days I'd be week 10 which really showed how fast this pregnancy was going. We had a call and we were all in hazmats. Bleeding out the eyes, our only victim that was alright passed out as soon as we arrived.

"Whoa! Okay. Guys, me and Y/n've got this one. You check the others." Dad said to them as we started dealing with the kid.

"He's completely out." I said to Dad, we got him to come around again.

"LAFD. You're okay. Try to sit up. Take it easy. You all right?" Dad said to him as he sat up.

"We're making sure that your mom and your friends are alright as well." I said to him as we all looked at the others.

"A little freaked out." He answered, I'd be the same if I was in his situation.

"Have any of traveled recently? Maybe in the last 14 days?" Hen asked them all, if they had. He'd been at home.

"No, we've just been here, jamming." She said to us all. The name of the group was fitting in this situation. Mother plague.

"I see something I'd like to get exposed to." One lady said while looking at Eddie.

"What are you talking about? He's wearing a slave suit. Oh, my God. They're still high." He said to us all, so this was caused by drugs. We should've known.

"Narc!" His mom said to him.

"Okay, ladies, what did you take?" Dad asked them.

"They we're smoking it. I smelled it when I was here before." He said to us and I looked at them.

"This could be anything." I said to Dad, it was cannabis because the effects wouldn't do this.

"Is that a crime, officer?" She asked us, she was extremely high.

"Looks like they were smoking something...pink." Buck said while carrying the joint.

"Puffer's Paradise." Me, Hen and Chim all said at the same time.

"You buy from them, too." Her friend said to us, no because none of us do drugs.

'No, but we've been treating quite a few of their customers." Hen said to her, all the cases were the same.

"Is that a dispensary?" Eddie asked us.

"Yeah, online. They got pretty popular during the March shutdown." Chim said to us, I'd had enough of these dealers.

"What they don't tell their customers is, their weed is synthetic and laced with superwarfarin." Hen said to us, rat poison in drugs didn't sit right with me.

"Rat poison." Buck said to us all.

"Prolongs the high." Chim said to us all.

"And makes it easier to overdose on." I said to them all.

"Okay, let's push fluids to support their blood pressures. They'll need parenteral vitamin K and fresh-frozen plasma ASAP." Hen said before we both went to the ambulance to find some and I came straight back. Once this whole shift was over me and Buck went out on a date night.

"We've got our appointment tomorrow, we're finally going to see our little one." Buck said to me with a smile as he took my hand.

"I'm excited and nervous." I said to him with a smile and he could tell that I was.

"Hey, I may not be able to come in the room with you but I'll be there on a video call." He said to me, I still wished that he was allowed in the room with me. I didn't want to be without him.

Issues // Buck X Reader // 9-1-1 [Book 1] (COMPLETED) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now