46. Whats's Next?

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Tonight was going to be a long one I could tell. I just had that vibe when I woke up. Shift had been a long one so far.

"Summer camp?" Buck asked while holding a leaflet. Eddie was sending Christopher to summer camp. That kid was going to have the time of his life.

"It's all he can talk about. Some of the other kids from school are going. It's only two weeks. Time." Eddie said to us before stopping Hen from her test.

"Whoa, whoa. Two weeks away from home? Isn't Chris kind of young for that. I mean, what if something happens? What if he gets homesick?" Buck asked him, trust me the kid would be fine.

"I'm pretty sure I brought in the brochure so you guys can make me feel better about him going." Eddie said to us, I was on his side.

"Clearly, you did not think that plan through to its logical conclusion." Chim said while looking at Buck.

"I started going to sleepaway camp when I was 8. I loved it. Camp Weegeewagen. Eedee-idee-odee-ooh-hoo! Looked forward to it every year." Dad said, I thought he was having a stroke at one point.

"And then when I was 8, I started going to camp as well. All the way up to graduation. But once I became a camp counselor let's just say Halle and I were doing something else in the cabins that didn't mean looking after the kids." I said to them all, Dad and Buck gave me a certain look. Halle was Hayden's older sister by a year.

"Yeah, but Christopher's a city kid." Chim said to us, I was a city kid.

"So was I." Dad said to him.

"And I certainly was." I said to them, it was too quiet at camp which felt unsettling sometimes.

"St. Paul is a city." Dad said to him with a smile, I think Chim needed to take a visit there.

"If you say so." Chim said to us. Buck then started laughing.

"I'm just trying to imagine trying to see Denny on the idea of two weeks without the internet." Hen said to us, that'd be the hardest person to pitch it to.

"It's pretty exciting. They even have this farm-to-fork program where the kids pick the veggies and cook 'em for dinner." Eddie said to us, that sounded like a nice little camp Christoper would be going to.

"That sounds a lot like child labor." Buck said making me roll my eyes. Eddie sighed.

"Okay." He said before grading Hen's paper.

"Damn it!" Hen said making Eddie hum. "I gotta get above a 511." Hen said, I was so glad I was over exams and never had to do them again.

"504 is pretty good." Eddie said to her, she was just 7 off. But by the time those exams came she would pass.

"Getting into medical school at this point in my life is hard enough. I can't afford to be an average applicant." Hen said to us, if there was one thing that girl wouldn't be is average.

"Hey, there is nothing average about you. You just started studying this. Give yourself a break." Dad said to her.

"And we all know that you're going to give that test so much hell that you'll pass." I said to her with a smile.

"Yeah. Hey, come on. You are gonna rock the MCATs." Buck said to her with a smile. We all looked at Chim then.

"Hen, you're brilliant. You don't need a test to prove that." Chim said before Hen's phone chimed.

"Bobby, why is your wife asking me if she could hold May's graduation party at my house?" Hen asked Dad, I remembered that phone call. Dad and Michael kinda smashed up the fireplace.

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