53. Jinx

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Today was going to be a long one I could tell. Me and Buck were going to work in separate cars but there was a reasoning. I wanted to go and buy a few more tests and to get Buck a mug that said 'Best Dad' cheesy I know but this was my pregnancy. Once I arrived at work I saw Buck, we held hands as we went into work. We then went to change before Buck went to do a check.

"Trauma bag?" He asked Eddie, I saw Eddie walk to the other side.

"Yup." I heard Eddie say, I was just going to leave that whole thing alone. I then went and found Hen and we walked over to the Buck and Eddie, with Chim.

"Who gave that guy a clipboard?" Hen asked with a smile, not me but it was making me feel things.

"Ah, don't worry. It's a kinder, gentler clipboard, as is the man who holds it. Meet Buck 3.0." Buck said, does that mean Buck 4.0. Was going to come out tonight.

"What, three? What happened to 2.0?" Hen asked us, I looked at her.

"Can you not remember that time?" I asked Hen while looking at Chim.

"Two's leg was crushed by a ladder truck and he got married to Little Nash." Chim said to us as he was eating his apple.

"Still not sure what inspired the software update." Eddie said, well it was nothing I had done.

"I'm just ready to let go of the past." Buck said to us, that was heavy past to let go off.

"Your parents lied to you your entire life and you're just gonna let that go? What's your secret?" Hen asked him, I mean I already knew his secret.

"Therapy. As in my parents agree to come to a few sessions with me, work our stuff out. Look, they're trying. I figure I should try too. Right?" Buck said, I had mixed opinions on this new software update.

"Very mature, Buck." Hen said to him with a smile.

"Very Buck 3.0." Buck said with a smile.

"I'm so proud of you." I said to him with a smile.

"Okay, I'm not calling you that. Are you gonna be taking part in these family sessions too?" Hen asked me and Chim.

"Uh-uh. Key word family, which I am not. Technically. Chim said as he walked past Buck.

"I mean if I get asked, I'll go, because I'm his wife at the end of the day." I said to Hen, his wife that was carrying his child. That he didn't know about.

"You're allowed to give yourself some time, you know. To process." Eddie said to him, he needed a lot of time.

"I know. I'm just tired of looking behind me. I'm ready to start thinking about the future." Buck said, well I was glad that he said that. "Speaking of which- -Hey, Probie!" Buck shouted making the innocent probie drop all his stuff. "Oh, uh- -" Buck got out before trying to help him.

"No, no, no, no. Don't worry. I got it." He said before picking his books up.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. You're the new B-shift probie, right?" Buck asked him, he had to be.

"Yeah. I mean, yes, sir. Just finished my first shift." He said to us, well I hope that he liked it and wasn't finding it too stressful.

"Uh, how was it?" Buck asked him.

"Oh, pretty quiet." He said making me backup. This wasn't going to well already.

"Whoa! Did he just say- -" Hen said to us, he did and I hear I thought today was going to be relaxing.

"No!" Chim shouted.

"This is bad." I said to everyone, we should basically sit in the truck all day.

"Sorry, I just said it was- -" He said getting ready to say it again.

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