35. Going Back

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It had been few weeks and it was time to go to Chicago. "So what's your plan exactly?" Buck asked me when we were on the plane.

"First, it'll be shift when we arrive so I need to head to the station and get the spare key from Cruz. Then when their shift ends in about 3 hours after we land it will be straight to Molly's to see my old friends and help out." I said to him the plane was going to land soon and I was excited.

"If you need any help at the bar, I'm available." Buck said to me with a smile.

"I'll hold you to that." I said to him when we landed I put my coat on. I'd made sure that I rented a car for this trip due to the fact I didn't want to rely on a taxi or any of my friends. "Now are you ready to see the firehouse that made me the amazing firefighter I am today." I said to Buck as I started driving to the station.

"Now, I'm sure that it wasn't just the firehouse alone." He said to me, I looked at him.

"I'm sure it was." I said to him before parking where I usually parked. We started walking over to the station, I only stopped to look at the monument for Otis. "I miss you, you deserved so much more." I said to the statue before putting my hand on the statue. I felt Buck hug me from behind.

"He was a great guy he did a lot of good for this city." I heard Stella say, I don't think she knew it was me. When I turned around that's when she knew. "Y/n, I didn't recognize you for a second. Buck, it's nice to see you again." Stella said while walking over to us, when she was close to me I hugged.

"Now to me everything about Kelly and you. I need to know more." I said to her, I wanted to know if they were still together and all that. The three of us were talking as we headed into the station.

"Look who found their way to Chicago." Stella said to them, I was bombarded with hugs.

"Does this mean that you're returning to squad. There's still space for you and once Buck gets certified he can join as well." Kelly said to me with a smile.

"You mean that?" Buck asked him with a smile. Kelly nodded.

"Of course, you're family now. More importantly Y/n tells me a lot about you and you're squad material." Kelly said to him with a smile, I saw Buck look at me.

"You're talk about how good I am?" He asked me, I looked at him.

"Severide, thanks for that. Chim's going to hate me when I get back." I said to him making him laugh. I was hoping that Buck wouldn't get any ideas.

"Y/n here are the keys, make yourself at home." Cruz said to me with a smile.

"Do you want me to cook or?" I asked him wanting to know.

"I'll do that. You can just relax, do finances or whatever." Cruz said to me I nodded. Sylvie and Stella pulled me over to the side and introduced me to Emily. We all spoke whilst Buck was talking with the others. Herrmann than walked over to me.

"I'll see you at Molly's later." He said to me, I heard the alarm go off and I was about to move.

"Looks like someone thinks their on shift." Capp said to me I hit his arm lightly.

"Shut up, I'm programmed to move for this noise." I said to him. We departed the fire house and made our way to Cruz and Brett's place. I managed to remember where the spare room was. There was a picture of the four of us in the room.

"You used to have a game night before. How come we don't do them with the others?" Buck asked me while looking at the picture.

"I don't know, we could start doing them. All we've gotta do is recruit people." I said to him while putting my bag down.

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