30. Sink Or Swim

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Buck picked Christopher up before looking at me. "I love you so much, just remember that if anything happens." He said to me, why did he say that.

"I love you too, Evan." I said before leaving a kiss on his lips. We had to run and stay safe now.

"Where did all the water go?" Christopher asked us. The siren began to wail, we had to go and fast.

"Everyone run!" I shouted before the started to approach the pier.

"Run!" Buck shouted as we began running.

"Come on everybody get off the pier!" I shouted, we knew that there was no way to beat the wave so we had to take cover. Buck put Christopher under the inside of a stall and we both went underneath afterwards. Of course when the wave water came in took us away. I went into a panic quickly before managing to get myself to the surface. I managed to grab ahold of a power line but I couldn't see Buck or Christopher near me. I was just hoping that they were ok.

"Buck! Christopher!" I shouted no response. I didn't know what to do. Do I cry or do I try and stay strong. I started hear someone shouting from behind me.

"Y/n!" The voice shouted, it sounded like Buck. But it couldn't be possible. Right?

"Buck!" I shouted back.

"Y/n! I have Christopher! If you let go, I'll get you!" He shouted, he must've been able to see me.

"Okay, make sure that Christopher's safe!" I shouted at him before letting go. I went a few meters upwards before I saw Buck leaning over the edge of a fire truck. When I reached it managed to reach my hand up to take his. He then pulled me out the water onto the truck.

"I'm so glad you're okay." He said to me before putting his forehead against mine.

"I'm glad that you're both alright." I said before moving my forehead away. We all sat on the truck, Christopher on the other side of Buck. Buck pulled me into his side.

"Y/n, you're bleeding." Buck said to me.

"So are you. Christopher are you doing ok?" I said to them both.

"Yeah, I'm ok Y/n. Just cold." Christopher answered.

"Me too, bud." I said to him.

"I would offer you my over shirt but it's wet." Buck said to me making me smile. Even in a time like this he was still acting like a gentleman. I was wondering what Eddie was gonna think. After a while I wondering if help was ever gonna come.

"You good, Chris?" Buck asked him.

"Yep. I took surfing lessons." He answered making us both laugh.

"Oh, well, maybe you can teach us." Buck said to him with a chuckle and a sigh. "All right, I'm gonna take a look around and see what I see. Y/n, stay here with him. I guess we're gonna have to hang out here a little longer." Buck said to us, I just wanted to go home already. He stood up to look around.

"We have a firetruck." Christopher said to us.

"Yeah, we do." Buck said.

"At least help will be able to see us when they come." I said before repositioning myself. I felt a pain in my side, I hissed in pain.

"Are you ok?" Buck asked me worriedly.

"I'm fine." I said to him.

"Help! Help me!" We heard a woman shout. "Help!" She shouted again, Buck found where she was and looked at her.

"Okay! I'm gonna come for you, okay?" Buck shouted at her.

"Be careful." I said to him. He turned back and nodded at me.

Issues // Buck X Reader // 9-1-1 [Book 1] (COMPLETED) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now