77. May Day

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I was hoping that today would be a lot easier than the shift the other week. I didn't want to have any members of my family to get hurt at all. Not even a paper cut. Thankfully none of that today. After shift I was talking with Brett. "Now, can I see my niece again. I haven't seen her in ages and I think she must've grown." She said to me and I went to go get her.

"Here she is. Martina do you want to wave to your Auntie Sylvie." I said to Martina while waving and she followed along and laughed afterwards.

"Hello Martina. God, you know she's so beautiful right. You'll have to fight everyone away when she starts school." She said to me and I looked at her and shook my head.

"Do my even make me think of that. I don't think I'll cope when she goes on her first day." I said to her and she smiled at me.

"Then let's think of something else like how you've got another wedding to go to soon." She said to me, that's when she announced her engagement. I was so excited. And I carried that excitement into the next shift as well. Our call was a fire at dispatch. May was working and so was Josh. It wouldn't be long until Hayden would find out. Eddie was there but he didn't have gear but he'd do all he can.

"Mayday, Mayday, Mayday. This is Firefighter Eddie Diaz on a department-wide channel. We have a fire at Metro Dispatch downtown. Point of origin appears to be on the second floor records room. All non-essential personnel begin evacuation procedures. Repeat. This is Firefighter Eddie Diaz. Metro Dispatch is on fire." Eddie said over the channels, this wasn't going to be an easy call from me and Dad. We needed to get May out along with the others. When we pulled up on scene a lot of people had been evacuated already. But no May and no Josh.

"All right, guys, let's get ready to go." Dad said and I saw Hayden's car pull up. Josh must've called him and I went over.

"Hayden you can't be here," I said holding him back, he was trying to get in.

"But Josh is inside. I need to get to him." I said to him and I walked him away.

"Listen, we're going in and I'm not leaving until I have him. You don't need to worry, at all." I said to him before hugging him.

"Please get him out." He said to me and I nodded at him.

"You know I will." I told him with a smile before going over to the group.

"Fire could spread to the third floor. That's the main floor. Hen. The clean agent system knocked him out for a second. He took in a lot of gas, but there could be a lingering narcotic effect." Eddie said to Hen, Terry wasn't looking to good.

"Okay, I got him." Hen said yo him as she took Terry.

"Okay, Hen, Y/n, I want you to set up a triage area in the parking garage next door." Dad said to us but I needed to head in. I needed to get Josh and May out.

"Copy that, Cap. We're gonna need a hand." Hen said to us all.

"It is Monday." Monday said, why'd he have to be here.

"Fine. You'll do." Hen said before they started walking I looked at Dad.

"You need to get Josh out Hayden's here and he's panicking, and please get my little sister out." I said to him and he looked at me with a smile. I knew what he was going to say.

"You don't need to worry, we'll get them out. Now take Hayden to the triage area, you never know what might happen." Dad said and I went over to Hayden.

"We're going to triage, I need to keep an eye on you. I don't know what will happen with you but stressing isn't good at all." I said to him and he started following after me.

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