78. Hero Complex

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I was hoping that me and Hen had got it all wrong about Jonah and that he wasn't some psycho paramedic with a hero complex. I'd found an article on Jonah from when he was a child. "Are you still looking into this?" Buck asked me as I was on the laptop researching at early hours.

"Yes, there's something not right about him. He was a hero as a child which clearly made him want to save lives but now he's trying to save them by ending them. I don't know." I said to Buck and he closed my laptop down.

"Y/n your thinking too much, just rest. It's the funeral for Claudette today, have some rest for it." Buck said and he was right. After the funeral I went over to Chim's with Hen. We had talking to do.

"Never understood these things. You know? I mean, what are you supposed to do with them after?" Chim asked as he walked over to us with a bowl of popcorn in one hand and a tribute in the other.

"I don't know, put them in a drawer and throw them out five years later?" Hen said, me and Hen went to her funeral because we felt confused.

"Or put them in the glove box of your car and just forget about them admits everything else?" I said to them all.

"What were you two even doing at her funeral?" Chim asked us, support for May and make sure she was ok.

"Seemed like the right thing to do. She died in our watch." Hen said to him, this felt different.

"It's not the first time that that's happened. We don't normally go to a funeral. Hen. Y/n." Chim said as he looked at the two of us.

"We need to come clean." I said to Hen and we both put out mugs down.

"All right. We had this crazy idea in our minds. Some questions about Claudette's death. So we went to the funeral to try and get some answers." Hen said to him and Chim started to sit down.

"Everything is very unclear." I said to him and he looked at the two of us.

"What kind of questions?" He asked us, we had many.

"Just didn't make any sense, Chim. She was fine. And then she coded. And then she was dead." Hen said to him and he leaned back in chair.

"Nothing adds up about it and makes sense." I said to him and he just looked at us.

"We see weird stuff every day." He said to us, but this was nothing like it.

"That's probably all this was. Except for the spiders." She said to us and he sat back up again.

"Are the spiders where the crazy comes in?" He asked us, kind of I guess you could say.

"There was another call. Right before you came back to work. It was a kid who had multiple tarantula bites. He was stable. So I left him alone with Jonah and then he coded." Hen said, Jonah was doing something.

"Just like Claudette." Chim said while standing up, we were convincing him.

"It's most likely a coincidence. I mean, Claudette had hypertension." Hen told him.

"Which could make sense but it doesn't." I said to him.

"How would you know that?" Chim asked us and we both looked at each other.

"We may have looked in her medicine cabinet, during the post-funeral reception. But I..." Hen started before getting her phone ready to show Chim something.

"High blood pressure. High blood pressure combined with smoke inhalation would put a lot of stress on her heart. Could cause a cardiac event." Chim said to us, which would be a reasonable explanation.

"Exactly. Except...her BP would have been stable at the scene." Chim said us, now we were confused.

"Wait, how do you know that?" Hen asked him.

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