79. Starting Over

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It had been a week since the whole Jonah thing and I was doing better. A lot better. This shift we had a call to I don't know what to call it. A retreat. "Can someone tell me what happened?" Dad asked as we arrived on scene.

"We unleashed our primal selves." A lady said before chortling, she was high.

"They're so high right now." I said to Buck and he looked at me.

"I was going to ask how you know that but it's a stupid question." He said to me and I smiled.

"I kinda miss those times being out of it." I said to him and he looked at me.

"I'm keeping a closer eye on you." He said to me as we walked over.

"Over where?" Dad asked two of them. They pointed behind. "Ortiz, make sure they stay away from the edge." Dad said as we walked over to the edge. And there the guru was.

"Sir! Are you hurt?" Hen shouted down to him, he had to be.

"I, uh, I think I sprained my ankle on the way down." He shouted up to us, that's all he did.

"We're gonna come down and get you." Dad said to him, I wouldn't be going down.

"Oh, thank god." He said up to us.

"Okay, everybody, ladder rescue, Hen, Chim, Y/n prep a basket. Buck, Ravi, start extending that ladder over the edge of the cliff." Dad said dishing out orders and it looked like Buck had something to say.

"Uh, Cap, I-I was gonna harness up." Buck said to him well not today he was.

"I'm gonna go down to get him. Donato, you're with me." Dad said as I started walking off.

"Yeah, copy that, Cap." Lucy said to him, I was already over at the ambulance with Hen. The truck got moved closer to the edge Hen and I got the basket ready. Once everything was in positions Buck moved the ladder and we made the truck secure for Dad and Lucy to head down.

"All right, Ravi, basket's ready as soon as Cap is." Chim said to him. The ground was moving and breaking. Not another quake.

"Wait, did you feel that? Was that a quake?" Ravi asked us, I looked up at Buck.

"Guys, what the hell was that?" Buck asked us, I looked at him.

"Buck, you need to get off the truck." I said to him and he jumped off and came over to us.

"The cliff's going." Hen said to us, Dad and Lucy weren't safe. "Cap, Lucy, unhook now. The cliff's coming down, and it's taking the ladder with it." Hen said to them over the radio.

"Everybody fall back!" Chim shouted and we all ran back. It wasn't long until the truck went over the edge.

"There's another one gone." I said after it went over.

"Cap!" Chim shouted as we went to the edge, they were okay. Once we got back to the station we were on the news.

"Quite the predicament for these first responders. Turns out they needed some second responders." The reporter said couldn't we move on to something more serious.

"Must we keep reliving this?" Chim asked as he sat beside me and Ravi.

"I know the feeling." I said to him.

"It's on every channel." Ravi said to us, not on the kids channels they wouldn't be.

"Then shut it off." Lucy said to us all, that would be better.

"...LAFD paramedic Jonah Greenway. Our Taylor Kelly has a fresh report on that coming up next." The reporter said before switching the tv off. Finally.

"This wasn't a punishment, Buck." I heard Dad say to my husband. Some reality drama to watch.

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