48. Alone Together

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Who would've thought that the dam would break. I definitely didn't. I wasn't liking our chances of catching a break at all. Maybe that was also a good thing as well. It wasn't long until we had our next call. But we had to stop due to the earthquake. After it had hit we could keep going. We were in a neighborhood. "All of the water from the dam caused more damage than just flooding and mudslides. It quickly eroded the bottom of the hill, and then- -" The Captain in charge said to Hen, Dad and I.

"Brought the whole hill down." Dad said to her, I was hoping no one was there.

"Most of the damage is concentrated east of the dam. Exposed gas lines, unstable structures, and mud. Lots of it." She told us, let's just hope everyone's been evacuated.

"Any casualties?" Dad asked her.

"Two tagged so far, but there's bound to be more. LAPD was evacuating residents when the hill came down. Might not have gotten them all out in time." She said to us, we all looked at each other. Surely Athena wouldn't have left the desk.

"Have any officers checked in with Mobile Command?" Dad asked, if we didn't have the officers accounted for we might be looking at a rescue mission.

"Not that I've seen, but it's still golden hour." She said to us, let's just hope that their fine.

"It's our best chance to find survivors. After that- -" Dad started before the Battalion chief cut in.

"It becomes a recovery operation." She said to us and I nodded, I was prepared for that.

"Should we be worried about more of that hill coming down?" Eddie asked as he came over.

"Yeah, we work quick, we work safe, we hope for the best." Dad said to us, I looked at him.

"Down to the last minute." I said to him with a nod, I saw the way Buck looked at me.

"Where do you want us?" Dad asked her, I didn't mind going anywhere.

"The Hollywood sign." She said to us, I looked up. There wasn't much left of it.

"Where's the rest of it?" Buck asked seeming as a few letters were missing.

"Downhill. About where the H landed just west of here. There were some hikers in the area." She said to us, let's just hope their still alive.

"Guess they should have brought a vowel." Chim said making me smile.

"Would've been better than the constant." I said to him with a smile. I heard him let a chuckle out.

"Okay, Hen, Eddie, you're with me at the sign. Chimney, Y/n, Buck, you stay here and help search for survivors." Dad said I nodded and started walking off with Buck.

"Looks like we've either got the easiest or the hardest part." I said to him, he looked at me.

"At least we're not with the hikers." He said to me with a smile. We put our equipment on and started walking. Chim then caught up to us and we took our masks off. "LAFD!" Buck shouted to the abandoned area.

"LAFD! Call out!" I shouted but it was baron.

"Anybody out here?" Chim shouted, I was starting to think we weren't get a response.

"LAFD!" Buck yelled, we heard the sirens wailing in the distance.

"Buck. Y/n. Over there." Chim shouted and we started running.

"LAFD. Can you hear me?" Buck asked as we ran over to the guy.

"I'm on him." Chim said to us.

"All right." I said to him before Buck and I went to the car trying to see in. I heard Chim sigh.

Issues // Buck X Reader // 9-1-1 [Book 1] (COMPLETED) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now