75. Dumb Luck

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It was a new shift, and just like normal we had a big call to head to. Someone had gone over a balcony and was climbing on to a sign. Once we got out we all looked up. "Woman fell off the balcony from the penthouse floor. Luckily, she got caught on that sign on the way down." Dad said as we all looked up and there she was on the red sign.

"She's over here." The guy at the top yelled, how'd this even happen.

"We don't have a lot of time, so let's hustle up. Tactical gear all around. Let's go." Dad said before we all started getting the tactical gear out.

"Cap, floor's too high for the ladder." Lucy said to him, this was going to be hard but nothing we couldn't do.

"Yeah, and it's way too high for an airbag. What's the plan?" Buck asked him, there had to be a way.

"I'm gonna send you down from the roof. Lucy, Chimney, I want you on the floor below. Kick out that window so we can bring her through there. Hen, Y/n, find them manager; we need access to the adjacent floors." Dad said before we started running inside.

"Just entered the unit, Cap. About to anchor off and remove the window." Chim said over the radio. We were still trying to find the manager.

"I just finished securing the lines, Cap. I'm harnessed up. Coming down now." Buck said over the radio, hopefully he'd get to her in time.

"Copy that. Fast as you can, Buck." Dad said back to him, Hen and I managed to track the manager down and get to the spot near the sign.

"That's gonna give out any second." I said looking at the rope holding it up.

"Cap, we have a problem." Hen said over the radio, we couldn't wait around any longer.

"I can feel it starting to move. I think it's starting to come off!" She shouted and she was right but we couldn't say.

"We got to move now. That sign is not secure." Hen said to Dad over the radio, hopefully Buck was only a few seconds away.

"All right, 30 seconds. Buck's coming down. Chimney, how's that window?" Dad put out over the radio. Let's hope 30 seconds was enough.

"In progress." Chim said to him.

"It needs to happen now." Dad said to him.

"Got to move fast. She's about to drop." Hen said before we saw the cord snap more.

"Help me! Help!" She shouted up at Buck.

"Almost there." He said to her, he was so close.

"Help. Okay. Okay. Oh, thank God." She said to us all, she was going to be off this thing soon.

"Need you not to move. I'm gonna put this harness around you, get you down, okay?" Buck said to her, not much longer.

"Please hurry." She said before the cord snapped now.

"Whoa!" Hen got out, I turned away. She was fine though, Lucy caught her. Once it was a new shift Buck and Dad went to see Eddie. Whilst I went out with Hayden.

"Can we look at rings?" He asked me as he looked into a jewelers. I looked at him confusedly.

"But you do wear rings?" I asked him while tilting my head to the side.

"Y/n." He said to me giving me a look. That's when I gasped.

"Your proposing to Josh. This is amazing news." I said to him with a smile and he smiled even bigger.

"Now, let's look at rings." He said to me before we entered the store. They'd move in together during lockdown. I didn't realize this was his true intention.

Issues // Buck X Reader // 9-1-1 [Book 1] (COMPLETED) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now