45. Powerless

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This morning we were responding to a call that included a hot air balloon on the run. Or was flight a better word to use? I don't know I was just glad that Buck and I's first date wasn't like this. We never really counted any date before that especially the bistro date because we all remember how that ended.

"It all looks so romantic, till someone has to call 9-1-1." Buck said to us, we looked at him confusedly.

"At least our date in one didn't end like this." I said to him with a smile.

"I heard dispatch gets a lot of calls from these things." Buck said to us, I'd heard that somewhere before. I never thought calls like this existed until coming here.

"Maddie tell you that?" Eddie asked him.

"Uh, no. Someone else." Buck said the only other person we knew who worked for Dispatch was Abby. But I wasn't going to think about that now when he'd told me that's what she said when he was planning our date. When we pulled up at the scene we saw who I presumed to be the Mom standing worriedly.

"Oh, my God. Please, please help." She said as we went over to her.

"How old is your daughter ma'am?" Dad asked her.

"She's 10." Her Mom answered, she might have a phone and if she does we can communicate with her.

"She have a phone with her?" Dad asked her, I mean I'd let a kid have a phone at 10 because that's when I'd trust them to go around the block by themselves.

"No. I thought she was too young." Her Mom said, I bet she wished she'd let her daughter have a phone now.

"Look, there's a radio up in the basket. That's how Nick and I communicate. Mine's in the truck." The guy said to us, at least we had a line of communication.

"Okay, go get it." Dad said he went off.

"Sir, try not to move. I got blunt force head injury. He's in and out of consciousness." Chim said to Hen and to who I'm presuming was Nick.

"Pupils are equal and reactive. Let's get him on a backboard to transport." Hen shouted, at least he was still alive.

"On it." A guy shouted from behind.

"The girl." Nick said to us.

"We are working on that right now." Dad said to him, we just had to figure something out.

"Cap, they issued a win advisory for this area, possible 40 mile an hour gusts." Buck said to us and I take it that's the speed of the gusts now.

"Those ropes don't look like they reach more than 30 feet. She needs to get lower." Eddie said to us, but how do we make them lower.

"You know how to land one of these?" Dad asked the guy.

"Yeah." He said back, kind of on obvious answer.

"Good. I need you to teach her." Dad said to him, we all then got back in the truck to follow her. The girls Mom and the hot air balloon guy was in the one in front.

"She's dropping hard, Cap." Eddie said to him.

"Yeah, we're not gonna make it before she lands." Buck said to him.

"Looks like she's headed for this open field." Dad said at least it was a field and nothing else. "Here she comes! Here she comes! Mom, tell her to hunker down. Okay, let's go." Dad said before we all got out of the truck. "Move, guys. Let's go, go, go, go! Let's go, guys. Grab that far rope!" Dad shouted, that was all of our objectives.

"Okay." Buck said to us.

"Dig in your heels, guys." Dad shouted, Buck then ran and jumped to grab the basket.

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