64. Desperate Measures

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Once I woke up I saw that Dad was gone but Chim was awake. "Where's Dad gone?" I asked him and he looked at me and shrugged.

"I don't know, he took the Captain car and told me I was in charge. Nothing else." He said to me and I looked at him, this made no sense unless it was for something serious. We then had a call because someone had been shot.

"Dispatch says there's a Gold Line Metro station in the middle of this thing. Can't we use that to sneak in?" Buck asked, they weren't going to let us in at all.

"I don't sneak." Hen said to us, I looked at him.

"I do sneak either." I said to Buck making him shake his head. God this place was going to be like hell. We then started walking to the barricade.

"We don't need you!" The woman in charge shouted, so she wanted this man to bleed out and die.

"Get out of here!" Someone shouted at us.

"We have volunteers to take care of that." She said to us, but they weren't like us. They couldn't get him to hospital.

"But they're not. Someone in your camp called 911. That's who we are. We are 911. You've got a man in there bleeding out." Chim said to him, I saw Dad pull up. I wanted to know what him leaving was about.

"You have your rules, and we have ours." She said to us while pulling her gun bag up again.

"Why's everyone just standing there?" Dad shouted as he started walking over. He wasn't happy at all.

"They won't let us in. This wannabe mayor is blocking the way because of some stupid rules." Buck explained to him.

"And because this our guy could be dying in there." I said to him. Dad wasn't impressed.

"Really? Since when do anarchists have rules?" Dad asked her, they didn't at all.

"Get out!" A woman shouted, god I hated these people.

"Adapt or die." Eddie said before Dad took the halligan.

"There's no rules here." Dad said before kicking the barrier down, he was angry and stressed. That was only making me stressed. "Where is the injured guy?" Dad asked before walking past a guy.

"Help. Over here!" We heard a guy shout at us all.

"All right, clear a path." Dad shouted as we all ran over to the guy. It was through the shoulder. "Gunshot wound. Looks like a through-and-through. Brachial artery looks to be intact. Chim?" Dad said to him.

"Got it." Chim said to us all.

"All right, I'll call it in." Dad said before walking away, I went after him.

"Hey, is everything okay." I said to him after he'd called it in he just stood there. Blankly.

"It's Harry." He said to me and I looked at him.

"What about Harry?" I asked him, I was stressing now. What had happened to my little brother.

"He's been kidnapped." He said to me and my mind went at 100 miles per hour. I couldn't even think about anything. I stood and stared blankly. Like Dad.

"So, that was awesome, Cap. Just not having it tonight, huh?" Buck asked but Dad said nothing.

"Everything okay?" Hen asked and he finally spoke up again.

"Harry's been kidnapped." Dad said before walking away. I walked off as well. I didn't even know what to think. Nothing would ever prepare you when you hear that your little brothers been taken. On the ride back Buck put his hand on my thigh but I was too busy looking out the window. Once we were back at the station, I was sat back at the locker room. Processing everything. I was fine until the alarm rang. I was just praying that Harry would be found soon and come home. We were heading to that metro station we were helping Athena. We turned on the headlights once we saw her. Jeffery was in our view. How I hated that man. He had a gun. He wouldn't drop the gun instead he pointed it at Dad. Athena shot him dead, we then all got out. He was coughing.

"Tell me where he is! Keep him alive. Keep him alive!" Athena shouted and me Dad grabbed her.

"He's not breathing." Chim said to us all.

"Where is he? Where is he?! Where is he?! Where is he?! Tell me where he is!" Athena shouted at his body but he was gone.

"I got no pulse." Hen said to us.

"Dammit!" I shouted, did that mean that he'd won. He'd got what he wanted. We were heading to Valencia next. To the housing estate that Jeffery was working on. Once we stopped I got out immediately.

"All right. I want every one of these houses checked. Every room. Every closet, crawl space, basement. Every inch. Let's go!" Dad shouted at us all. I went to the closest house.

"Harry!" I shouted as I walked in I checked the whole house.

"Harry if you can hear me shout anything!" He shouted and then I went into the house that everyone was in.

"Hey, I found this out back. I don't know if it means anything." Buck said while holding up paint, we needed to look for fresh paint.

"Check for wet paint, guys." Dad said and we all started looking. Athena put her hand on a wall.

"Wet paint." She said to us all. He was there.

"Eddie." Dad said to him and Eddie nodded.

"On it." He said to him before breaking the wall.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Michael shouted at him. "Harry!" He shouted before pulling the rest of the wall down. "Harry!" He shouted after he ripped the wall off.

"All right, guys. Come on!" Dad shouted at us all.

"Get a gurney in here!" Chim shouted at someone at the top of the stairs.

"Athena, we got him! Hey, give me a knife or something!" Michael shouted before Eddie went in as well to get him. "We got him, we got him, baby." He shouted as they pulled him out.

"Come on! Come on!" Athena shouted at them all.

"Come on." Dad said to them.

"I got him, I got him." Buck said before we got him on a gurney.

"Okay, take it easy. We got you, we got you." Hen said before we started getting to move him.

"Everything's going to be okay now." I said to him with relief.

"Is he okay?" Michael asked before we started talking over each other.

"Pulse is weak." Chim shouted before we all started shouting over each other again.

"We got you. We're gonna take of you, okay?" Hen shouted as we got him out and into the ambulance. I hugged Buck and just didn't let go. Not saying anything. I didn't know what to say.

"He's okay. You don't need to worry anymore." He said to me while rubbing my back. We all headed back and all the lights came back on. Power was back and this shift would soon be over. Once we arrived back at the station I finally treated myself to a coffee. Once it came to morning I got changed and saw Buck.

"Let's go, I wanna see our little girl!" I said before dragging him out the building. And once we got home, Hayden had said that Martina was asleep and he left. The two of us went to her nursery.

"Hey, baby girl. We're home." He whispered to her as she was sleeping all cosy. Seeing her looking so peaceful made me so happy.

"Let's call it a day, just go to sleep." I said to him with a smile.

"But we sleep in here. We've already spent too much time away from her." He said to me and I nodded. He sat on a rocking chair and pulled me onto his lap. I nuzzled my head in the crook of neck and fell asleep. God that whole blackout was exhausting.

Issues // Buck X Reader // 9-1-1 [Book 1] (COMPLETED) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now