4. Worst Day Ever

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Just when we thought that nothing could get worse. It did. Chim was still in the hospital recovering which was no surprise. Everything seemed fine at the fire house. Yes it was a little quieter than usual given that Chim wasn't there. I felt odd not being called Little Nash for a change. Hen was currently cooking some dinner for us, I saw Buck go and taste what she was frying. "Really? If you want some, just ask." Hen said to him.

"Hen, please can have some." I said to her giving her the baby doll eyes.

"Yes, you can." She said to me. I quickly took a little pinch of vegetables and ate it.

"I'm good. I already ate." Buck said to us, lucky for him. Unfortunately for me, I was waiting for someone to deliver my new oven.

"You still owe me 20 bucks, Buck. Don't think I'm-a forget." Hen said while walking over to the fridge.

"For what?" He asked her.

"You've already forgotten." I said while placing my hand on head.

"For the damn cookie bouquet, that I delivered to Chimney. The one with the get well card that I personally watched you sign." Hen said to him. Buck was just looking at my dad though.

"He's doing it again." Buck said to us, he was looking at his book.

"What? Eating dinner?" Hen asked him.

"Staring into that book. Come on, you must have a line on the gossip around here. What is it? Why-why is he so obsessed with it? Y/n, what does your dad do with that book?" Buck said asked us, I was not gonna answer that question.

"It's complicated and I'd prefer not to say. If he wants to tell you, he will." I said to him while walking to the fridge to get some water.

"Mm-mm. All I'm gonna tell you about that book is to stay the hell away from it. Trust me." Hen said to him, that was also true. "I made that mistake three months into working here." Hen added as she walked with the plate of food she made.

"So you're saying no one here knows what he writes in it besides Y/n. Well, watch this." Buck said, this was going to be a bad idea.

"All right, Buck. When he pops you in that pretty face, just make sure it's on the side that's already got a mark." Hen said to him.

"Yeah, then it won't be that noticeable." I said to him with smile, we both watched Buck walk over to Dad.

"So, Bobby, I got to ask. What's the deal with that book?" Buck asked him, we watched as Dad stood up from his seat.

"It's none of your business." Dad said to him while walking away.

"I know it's a list of people you saved, all right? Right now, there are 46 names in it..." Buck started before he was out of ear shot from us.

"So, how's it going with you and Buck?" Hen asked me with a smile.

"It's been good actually." I said with a smile. All of a sudden we witnessed Buck get pinned to the wall by my Dad. Me and Hen just shook our heads. After that the alarm started going off and the sirens were wailing. When we got to the beach, there was a place crash in the water. We needed to start working and fast.

"You guys ever seen something like this before?" Buck asked us, you could hear people screaming from where we were. We all ran across the beach to the lifeguards. They had a raft ready and waiting for us to take. We all grabbed a section of the raft to carry it. The only thing you could see in front was the blaze of the plane.

"You got it?" Dad asked us.

"Yeah." They replied back.

"Get that strap." Dad said to us, I grabbed the strap. "All right, come on back. You got it?" Dad asked them.

Issues // Buck X Reader // 9-1-1 [Book 1] (COMPLETED) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now