24. Broken

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So, me and Buck had pushed our date back by a week just because we wanted both Maddie and Chim to be in a better state. We understood that it had been a while since that day but we just wanted everyone to be ok. It was raining this morning but me and Dad were discussing about how I was gonna need help moving out because my lease was ending soon. When we got to shift there was a school trip happening.

"Don't panic, because panic can be more dangerous than flames, toxic fumes or a sucking chest wound. Guys?" Dad said to the kids, it was a bit intense.

"Cap's a little intense, huh?" Eddie said to us, he always is when it comes to these.

"Oh, he takes these talks very seriously." Buck said to him.

"You should've seen how intense these talks where when I was growing up." I said to them both, they were pushing the computer board over to Dad.

"And all you need are three numbers. Can anybody tell me what they are?" Dad asked them all.

"911!" They all said at the same time.

"Yes. Now, does anybody know what happens when you dial those numbers?" Dad asked, a hand went up in the crowd.

"Harry Grant." Dad said while pointing at him.

"They call a fire truck." He answered, it wasn't always the case of that but we'll let him off. Dad then continued his talk.

"And now, what if I told you that a big computer brain helps you when you dial 911? It is called CAD, Computer Aided Dispatch. Let's say you, Harry, call in an emergency. Can you name one?" Dad asked Harry, who had a keen answer ready.

"The library sets on fire, and all our homework assignments are burned up." Harry said, that seemed like something that could happen.

"Okay, there you go. All right, so when you dial 911, the dispatcher types in your address into the computer, and then CAD automatically finds your school, then fines the nearest station and..." Dad started before the alarm started ringing.

"Station 118, Station 118, please dispatch a fire engine and an ambulance to the Meadowbrook School Library immediately. Harry Grant didn't do his homework." Hen said over the megaphone making all the kids and us laugh.

"All right, guys, who wants to check out the trucks?" Dad asked them with a smile.

"Me!" They all shouted.

"All right. Follow Buck, Y/n and Eddie." Dad said to them, I had a love-hate relationship with these kinds of things.

"Come on, guys." Eddie said to right side of the class.

"We want this side with us. Let's go, let's go! Come on." Buck said making me smile, he loved doing these kinds of events. We showed them the trucks and told them about all what they did. What it ended me and Buck talked. "So, I've been looking for places for us to move into. I found one but I'll only book a viewing if you like it." He said to me with a smile.

"I'm sure it's nice." I said to him with a smile. He showed me the pictures of it on his phone. "Yeah, we should really book a viewing." I said to him making him smile. It looked like the kind of apartment that we would need to start our new life together. All of a sudden the alarm started ringing.

"Okay, everybody, we are in Tactical Emergency Mode. That means we will not be at the station today. We will be driving all around the district to make sure that we are ready for anything that comes our way." Dad said to us, we did already know this.

"Cap, you do realize we work here, right? We're trained professionals, not fifth-graders." Hen said to him.

"Yeah, right?" Buck said before getting in the truck.

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