58. First Responders

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23 weeks, god this whole thing was dragging. But at least in 5 weeks I'd be starting the last stretch of this whole pregnancy. Buck and I had been taking birthing classes to prepare ourselves. At shift today we had a call and none of us prepped for it. We had a hit and run. "Sir, why dont you just step back, let my team have a look." Dad said as we said to the man who was worried over his wife.

"One, two, three." Chim said before we rolled her.

"Airway's clear, but her breathing's labored." Hen said to us all, I recognize her.

"Definitely a broken femur here. I know her." Chim said, I did as well.

"What?" Hen asked us all.

"It's Sue Blevins." Buck said to us, that's who it was.

"From the call center." Dad said to us all, I remember seeing a her few times.

"Yeah. Maddie's boss." Chim said to us all.

"And Josh's, god I hope they'll be ok." I said to them all, I needed to warn Hayden.

"Head injury is pretty severe. Pupils are uneven. Possible subdural hematoma." Hen said diagnosing the situation. "We need oxygen over here. We can run an IV en route. Sue can you hear me?" Hen asked her but we didn't get anything.

"Most likely a broken rib, maybe two." Chim said before Sue coughed. "Probable punctured lung, as well." He added, she was going to like. She had to.

"Let's get her on the board." Hen said to us all.

"One, two, three." Eddie said before we got her on the board.

"Nine...one..." She said weakly.

"What's she saying?" Eddie asked us.

"It's numbers." I said to him.

"Nine...one..." She said again.

"911?" Buck asked confusedly.

"We're here, Sue. We got you." Eddie said before we got her in the ambulance, she kept repeating the same thing. When it came around to morning and the end of shift, I was relieved. I immediately went on the sofa and fell asleep. Today, I was going shopping with Hayden. I heard a few knocks on the door.

"I'm coming." I said before opening the door.

"I haven't received the new key yet." Hayden said to me, that's when he reminded me.

"I'll go get them for you." I said to him before going to the kitchen and opened up the first drawer.

"And there they are." He said to me with a smile. We then went off to go shopping.

"So, how about this little bear hat. It's too cute." I said to Hayden, he had a pair of boots.

"It's just these are too cute and I want my little niece to wear them." He said to me making me shake my head, after a few hours of shopping for toys and clothes we went home and the next day we went out again. But that was for lunch that time and then I got a call from Athena.

"Y/n, where are you at the moment?" She asked me as I answered the phone.

"I'm currently at a Tender Greens with Hayden. Why?" I asked her and I heard her sigh.

"Buck's in custody, I stopped him doing something stupid. Do you want me to keep him home seeming as your going to shift soon or are you going to pick him up?" She asked me and I sighed, out of all the times.

"Leave him there, I need to get to shift. He can find his own way to work." I said to her with a smile, I heard her chuckle at the end of the phone.

"Alright then, I'll leave you to it. Hope your both okay." She said to me before we finished the call. I then headed to work and changed before getting an amber alert. With a description like that I knew that the call center would be busy. It wasn't long till we were called out to a container yard. Eddie cut the lock of the gate off and we both opened the gates. We got back in the truck and we're told to wait.

"It's been long enough, hasn't it?" Eddie asked us, we had a girl in there that had been kidnapped.

"Cap, that girl!s been drugged. We need to get in there." Hen said to us.

"Who knows what state she's in, she needs help." I said to everyone, we needed to get in there.

"Yeah, they got suspect yet?" Chim asked us and then we got the all clear.

"Okay, let's move!" Dad shouted and we went on our way. "118, on the move, coming to you." Dad said before we got lost.

"I thought it was this way!" Eddie shouted.

"Aren't they this way?" Chim asked us, I was completely turned around.

"Did Dispatch give us a box number?" Hen asked us.

"No." Me and Dad said to her.

"Hey! Over here!" Williams shouted at us.

"All right, guys, let's go. Let's get in there. No sign of the suspect?" Dad asked Williams as we went inside the container. I don't think we were alone. But that was just a feeling.

"Fresh bruises on her wrists, Cap. Pretty hard to tell how long he's had her in here." Eddie said to us all.

"No labels. Could be fentanyl or Ativan or bleach, for all we know." Hen said to us, she needed a hospital and soon.

"And how many injections?" Chim asked us and I looked at him.

"It's hard to tell." I said to him, this poor girl didn't nothing to deserve any of this.

"She's about to stop breathing any second now. Prep the naloxone. If it's not an opioid, one dose will not hurt her." Hen said to us all, I was hoping she'd be ok.

"She's got severe dehydration. Pushing fluids." Chim said to us all and I looked at him.

"We need to get her out of here." I said to them as we started pushing fluids.

"She's almost ready, Cap." Chim said to Dad.

"Okay, good." Dad said to us before we started administering the opioid for her. Dad then closed the door and we heard gun shots. "Get down!" He shouted and we all did.

"Cap, you okay?" Eddie asked him.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm okay, thanks to...Dispatch, we are taking fire." Dad told Dispatch, I was hoping that everything would be fine. I was okay but this whole thing was stressful.

"Cap, we're losing her." Eddie said to him.

"We need to transport the victim now." Dad said to Dispatch, any longer and she would be dead.

"118, officers advising the scene is now clear for transport." Josh said to us and we started prepping to leave.

"Dispatch, 118 is on the move. And thanks, for having our back." Dad said over the radio to him.

"That's why we're here." Josh said to us, after shift finished I went to go home. The day after I realized that I was now 24 weeks. Buck was sat downstairs.

"How are you feeling?" Buck asked me as I went downstairs.

"I'm tired, I couldn't sleep last night." I said to him as he pulled me into him.

"Did Martina keep you up?" He asked me and I nodded. He then rested a hand on my belly. "You, don't keep your mom awake, she's tired." He said to her in a sternish tone. I smiled and fell asleep in his arms.

Issues // Buck X Reader // 9-1-1 [Book 1] (COMPLETED) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now