6. Heartbreaker

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It was nearing Valentine's Day again. I always had a love-hate relationship with the day. We were currently at a golf course responding to a call. There was a plane coming into land which had a woman inside who had a passed out with no explanation. We put our disposable gloves on before getting out the truck. "Here, let me give you a hand." Dad said after putting the equipment down. He took the young woman from her partner and gently put her on the ground. "All right, let's put her over here." Dad said to us.

"Okay." Her partner said. I took the headset off that she had on.

"Does she have any history of heart problems?" Dad asked him, that was an important question.

"No, she's only 32. How does this happen?" He said to us, there could be a numerate amount of causes but most of them were accountable now seeming as she didn't have any heart conditions.

"Blood pressure's 80/40. Still dropping." Hen said to us, we needed to find out the cause quickly.

"Hen, looks like a possible heart attack." Buck said to us. I mean I was possible but it didn't make sense.

"We need nitro sublingual." I said to Hen. She looked approvingly at me. Buck's phone started ringing, of course he answered it.

"Hey, Abbs, I'm-I'm on a call." Buck said to her, he went silent which told us that Abby was speaking. We started working on her. "Wait, wh-what stunt?" Buck asked Abby. "You faked an emergency?" Buck asked the lady's partner, I snapped my head to look at him.

"I was proposing. I thought I was being romantic." He said to us, if anyone proposed to me by faking an emergency I would reject them.

"Guys, she's on levothyroxine." Buck said to us, so we couldn't give her the course of medication we were going to. Me and Dad stopped Hen from doing anything.

"Not a heart attack." Dad said to us.

"Broken heart syndrome?" Hen questioned, it seemed like the only logical answer.

"That's what I'm thinking." Dad said to her.

"So am I." I said to them both.

"Okay. I'll get the adenosine." Hen said to us. That was exactly what we needed.

"That's a real thing?" Her partner asked us. It truly was.

"Mimics the symptoms of a heart attack. It was probably brought on by her thyroid medication and you nearly scaring her half to death." Dad said to him, honestly who scares the girlfriend before proposing.

"You don't treat it the same as a cardiac event. That nitro we almost gave her could've caused some real damage." Hen said to him before we dosed her up with the right medication.

"All right, she's coming around. She's coming around. That's it. We need you to take some deep breaths." I said to her when she fully came round she let out a huge gasp.

"Good call, Abby. She's, uh, she's conscious. She's conscious, she's conscious." Buck told Abby, honestly he needed to get back to his job.

"You're okay." I said to her.

"You're okay. Deep breaths, deep breaths." Dad told her, I wonder what she was going to say to the proposal.

"Oh, baby, thank god." The boyfriend said to her, she looked confused.

"All right, you think you can sit up? Here, take it slowly." Dad said to her as we slowly sat her up.

"Careful." Hen said to her.

"Can I see the ring again?" She asked, he started getting the ring out.

"I think she's actually considering his proposal." Buck said into the phone. The ring was slid onto the woman's finger. It was a nice ring to be fair.

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