27. Careful What You Wish For

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Let's just say during this shift, we got a call that I never would've expected. Not only was there a lot of money at the scene of our incident, enough to make you feel like a robbery had taken place. There appeared to have been someone that jumped. When we arrived at the scene Athena was already there.

"Barry Johnson. 57. Seems to have had some kind of existential crisis after lunch. Threw all his money off the roof and then decided to jump after it. Falls 20 stories and lives." Athena said to us, I was amazed that the guy lived.

"20 stories? How is that even possible?" Buck asked, the guy had to be super human right.

"We also got a few greedy bystanders with minor injuries. Not sure how you want to handle those." Athena said to us, hopefully we don't handle them. Greed isn't a good trait.

"That's up to the cap." Hen said before Chim exited the battalion car.

"Uh, interim cap. This is just temporary until Bobby comes back." Buck said while looking at Chim.

"Which will happen." I said to them, I had faith in that.

"You both keep telling yourself that, Buck and Little Nash." Chim said before looking to the side. "Whoa." He let out. "All right, I'll take spinal precaution." Chim said but not giving us anything to do.

"I think I'm just gonna get back in the truck seeming as we're not doing anything." I said before turning back.

"Right, I'm the captain. Uh, Hen, Eddie, you're with him. Buck, Little Nash, go with John. Triage the minor injuries. And I'll get the Jaws." Chim ordered, we then went off to our area. When everything was over, I was just looking forward to my day off. When that day came around it was mainly me just helping Dad plan for his wedding with Athena. Before I got there Dad was talking with Athena. When I arrived I'd barely sat down when there was a knock at the door. When Dad opened it, it was Buck.

"Hey." Dad said to him.

"Hey. Am I bothering you? Y-You would tell me if I'm bothering you, right?" He asked.

"No, you're not bothering us." Dad answered.

"Is everything ok?" I asked Buck while standing up.

"Okay, good. Um...when are you coming back?" Buck asked, after he asked that I knew what that was about.

'Uh, I don't know, Buck. I-I might not be." Dad answered.

"That's not the right attitude, you're coming back." I said to dad while clapping my hands.

"I agree with Y/n. That's unacceptable. We need to get you unsuspended. Maybe I can talk to the chief, you know, testify on your behalf. That-that would help, right?" Buck asked, that wasn't that much of a good idea.

"Uh, you might get suspended, too. Let's..." Dad started, I then would've been left with Hen and Eddie. The way Chim was at the minute was enough to make us crazy.

"We need you back, Bobby. The place doesn't work without you." Buck said to him.

"Chim's making us go crazy being interim captain." I said to Dad while looking at Buck.

Last shift

Chim has us all do a lineup. "So we're doing lineups now?" Buck asked, I hadn't done one in ages.

"Stow it, Buckley." Chim said to him.

"But we don't usually do them- -" I started before Chim cut me off.

"You too, Nash." He said to me. Buck and I looked at each other.

Back to now

Buck, Y/n, it's been two shifts. But I thought that having Chimney be in charge would be easier on all of you. He's your friend." Dad said to us, I let out a little laugh. He got that wrong.

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