71. Wrapped in Red

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It was the most wonderful time of the year again, the Christmas tree was up along with all the decorations. Tonight we had a call to assist on a trolley accident. There was two ladies arguing so I would past them. "What do we think? Some kind of road rage incident? Or trolley rage?" Buck asked us, well it definitely was to do with rage.

"Definitely sensing some kind of rage." Eddie said to us all and I looked at the two ladies.

"And a lot of it." I said to him.

"Hey, Ravi, you go check on the driver. Buck, Y/n and Eddie, you're gonna handle this victim. Okay, we've got an injured man down on the ground. Let's give the officers a break. Can one of you tell me what happened?" Dad asked as he went over to the 2 ladies fighting.

"I'm glad he's dealing with them." Eddie said to us all, I was as well.

"Pulse is strong but elevated. BP's good." Buck said to us all.

"Right and left ankles are broken." Eddie said to us all.

"One for each wife?" Buck asked and I tried my hardest not to laugh.

"Sounds about right." I said to him with a small nod.

"He's lucky that's all he's broken." Eddie said to us, there were the two marriages as well. Eddie then moved the guys Jean leg up. "Left ankle's got an open fracture. We're gonna give you something for the pain." Eddie said before the pain medication was administered. "Ravi? How's the driver?" Eddie shouted.

"Working on it." Ravi shouted at us. We were still checking on the guy.

"This feels like a lot to keep track of." Buck said to him, I could never.

"Two rings, two phones, and two Christmases. Sometimes it can make your brain hurt." He said to us, god this guy was the worse.

"Is it hurting right now? Have any headaches, blurred vision, sensitivity to light?" Eddie asked him.

"I did hit my head. Maybe I could fake amnesia. Buy some time to help me figure this out." He said to us, that was never going to work. Not ever.

"Yeah, I, uh, I would say your bigger problem is making them forget." Buck said to him.

"And let me say this, they won't forget." I said to him, this would be shared trauma.

"Please tell me he's ready for transport." Dad said as he came over to us, he was.

"Both ankles are broken pretty badly and I think he's got a compound fracture, but I don't see any major swelling or pooling of blood. His vitals are steady." Eddie said to Dad. We needed to get out of here quick.

"Roll him on three? One, two, three." Buck said to us before we got him on the board.

"One, two, three!" Eddie said to us all.

"Okay, let's roll." Buck said before we started going.

"Love you! I love you both!" Arthur shouted at them both. "We can work this out!" He added, some things you couldn't and this was definitely one of them. When shift was over and we got home I got to the Christmas chocolate.

"Y/n that's for next week." Buck said to me as he came downstairs I looked up at him and hid the box.

"It's nothing. It was, uh, something that was in the back of cupboard." I said to him and he shook his head at me.

"I love you so much. But sometimes lying isn't your strong point, that was one time. I'll let you off but you'll have to get another box." He said to me before kissing my head. I brought the box up on the table.

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