21. New Beginnings

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It was only a month until the big day and it was barely coming into reality that it was happening. We were not expecting one of our calls. We had to get out our hazmat gear. Once we entered the waiting room. We heard a phone ringing in the distance. We all knew that no one was gonna answer it. "What are we thinking? Gas leak?" Chim asked us. I mean it was always a possibility.

"Could be some pathogen. World's a crazy place these days." Hen said to us, maybe this was the start of the apocalypse.

"Negative for combustibles as of now. Masks stay on for the duration." Dad said to us before we started walking.

"Where is everyone? It's too quiet." Buck said to us.

"Well if this is the start of the apocalypse it will be quiet." I said to him. He gave me his 'seriously' look. 

"Got one over here." Eddie said before going behind the reception desk. "She's got a pulse. Pupillary response...normal." Eddie said while checking her over.

"Help! Please help! Please help me." We heard a woman shout. When we entered the room it looks like she was having a procedure done at the time. "Oh, help me. They're crushing me." She said to us, her skin was hanging off her neck. Totally not disturbing.

"Okay, Buck, Y/n, give me a hand over here. Chimney, you check on her." Dad said to us, I nodded.

"Wha-wha-what's wrong?" She asked us in a panic.

"Stop, stop, stop! Don't touch your face. Don't touch your face." Dad said to her but she touched her face and saw blood.

"What the...?" She asked while looking at her fingers. Buck and Dad then helped get the guy off of her.

"Ma'am, it just looks like the staff here just wasn't 100% done before they lost consciousness. You're still under the effects of the general anesthesia, which is good. Okay, we're gonna keep you nice and numb. But I'm gonna need to put a cold compress on your face, okay?" Hen said to her.

"Is there a stitch loose?" She asked us.

"A few." I said while looking at her.

"Look, you're probably gonna feel cold, but you're not gonna feel any pain. We've got to preserve as much tissue as possible when we travel you to a hospital." Dad said before she started to sit up.

"Tissue?" She asked before her forehead fell. "Oh, my face is off! My face is off." She shouted.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa." Hen said trying to calm her.

"Same symptoms over here, Cap. She's sleeping like a baby, but she's stable." Chim said to Dad, that was weird.

"They run the anesthesia lines through the walls in these places, don't they?" Dad asked us, they usually did.

"What are you thinking, a leak or a rupture?" Chim asked him.

"Yeah, then why isn't she out?" Buck asked us, the answer was actually really simple.

"Looks like she's receiving oxygen from the nasal cannula. Eddie, you copy?" Dad said before radioing Eddie. I carefully pushed the skin back on the woman's forehead.

"Yeah, Cap." Eddie said over the radio.

"What's your status?" Dad asked him.

"Found a couple more patients in back. Also stable." Eddie said to us. He was gonna need more hands.

"I'm gonna send Chim your way. You guys see if you can locate the tank supply room. You turn anything off that's got a knob or a valve in this place." Dad said to them before Chim left the room.

Issues // Buck X Reader // 9-1-1 [Book 1] (COMPLETED) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now