67. Brawl In Cell Block 9-1-1

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Now I always say that today was different. But today truly was. But I'll go back to earlier. When it was a normal shift to start off with. But then we called to prison. Code: yellow, and god how I hated prisons. "Y/n, stay close to me and Cap. Don't leave our sight." Buck said to me and I looked at him.

"I wasn't planning on it." I said to him, there was a riot inside. And the last time I was in a prison. Me and Herrmann were held hostage.

"Eyes, buzz is through." Once of the guys with us said to the camera. We were buzzed through and I saw blood and a lot of it. It was unsettling. We went into a different area and ran towards the fire.

"All right, guys, get those hoses set. Come on, let's go. Let's go!" Dad shouted and we got them ready.

"Buck, Eddie, put a water curtain. That thing is gonna keep sucking smoke up into the system." Dad said before we started putting the fire out. After this could we leave. "Okay, Ravi, go find the kill switch. You let me know when you got it." Dad said to him as he ran off.

"We got it, Cap." Ravi shouted at us and I nodded.

"All right, guys, knock it down, knock it down." Dad said to us and in a matter of minutes the fire was out. "Okay, 118, let's go. We're on the move." Dad said to us and I clinged on to Buck. We heard wheezing.

"What is that? Is someone else in here?" Hen asked us.

"It definitely sounds like it." I said to her while looking around.

"No, this area should be secure." The guard said to us, well it clearly wasn't.

"Over here." Dad said before we walked over to the side. 2 victims.

"Holy crap, that's Mitchell. I wonder who got the drop on him." The guard said to us, well looking at them it clearly wasn't each other.

"Maybe one of your colleagues. It doesn't look like he held back, either. Airways compromised. We're probably looking at a crushed trachea." Hen said while examining him.

"All right, we got to move." The guard said to us all.

"Whoa, whoa, hey. Theses men are injured." Buck said, it didn't matter if they were criminals or not.

"Oh, and the guy in the shackles, has got a nasty gash in his lower abdomen." Eddie said to us all, we couldn't leave them here.

"They're scumbags. Leave 'Em here." The guard said to us before his radio went off.

"We've lost control of Block One! All guards, fall back!" One of the guards said, this wasn't looking good.

"We're not leaving anybody. All right. Let's get 'em up and out. No time for gurneys." Dad said before we picked them up and we started moving them.

"Eyes, buzz us out." The guard said before the door opened that we needed.

"Whoa, stop, stop, stop, stop! He's having a seizure." Hen said to us all, I didn't like being in the open like this.

"Okay, get him down, get him down. All right, you guys go. Your guy can barely breathe." Dad said to Eddie and Buck. As long as we were somewhere safe soon, I wouldn't mind. "Go. We're gonna be right behind you, that's an order. Now, go!" Dad said to them as they didn't move.

"Protocol says you got to have two guards with you." The guard said to them, this whole thing was a nightmare. The door started closing.

"Okay, who we doing, Hen? We got to move." Dad said to her, I was staying silent this whole time. Especially since Buck was now gone.

"Seizure's probably due to blood loss. Cap, let's get him outside." Hen said to us, we needed to get out there or we were trapped.

"Okay. All right. Grab him by the arms." Dad said before we did that, we started moving them.

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