31. The Searchers

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I didn't know how long I'd been under water until I felt someone grab my arm. "She has a pulse!" I heard someone shout. My eyes then fluttered open and I panicked. I had no idea where I was, where my husband was and where Christopher was. "Ma'am, are you okay? You're bleeding. What's your name? I'm Jaden and this is my wife, Catalina." Jaeden asked me.

"My name is Y/n Nash-Buckley. I'm a firefighter with the LAPD. I don't know where my husband is or where our friend's kid is. Oh, god no they might be dead." I said panicking, I was scared.

"Y/n everything's gonna be okay. We're gonna help you find your husband and that kid. What are their names." He said to me. I saw a woman come over to me. They both pulled me up making me groan in pain. She then wrapped a blanket around me.

"My husband is called Evan but we all call him Buck. The our friends kid is called Christopher." I said to them both with a nod.

"We're gonna find them don't worry sweetheart." Catalina said to me. I then noticed that my necklace chain with my rings on wasn't there anymore.

"No, no, no. This can't be happening. No." I said before crying and panicking even more. I was worried about what Buck would say after I lost my engagement and my wedding ring.

"What is it?" Jaeden. asked me.

"My rings are missing." I said to him. I hated this day. I started to feel a panic attack start to happen. When it did they both helped me through it. We approached a group of people. "Excuse me has anyone seen my husband, he's got a birthmark near his left eye, he's got blue eyes, gingerish hair and about this tall." I said to them all.

"No. Sorry we haven't seen him." One of them said to me, crap.

"What about a little boy, he wears glasses, he's 8 and he's got CP. With brown hair." I said to them all, yet again a no. We then left the cupcakery to go somewhere else. I was getting weak.

"Hey, don't leave us Y/n. We're gonna get you home to your husband and your family. Do you have any here?" Catalina said to me, I nodded.

"My dad and my stepmom then her two kids. My main family is in Chicago." I said to them both with a smile and nod.

"You come from Chicago?" Jaeden asked me.

"Nope, I used to work there but I'm originally from Minnesota." I said to him with a nod.

"No crap, I'm from Minnesota too." He said to me with a smile. We then spoke about our childhood and what part of Minnesota we grew up in.

"Tell me more about your husband, how did you two meet?" Catalina said to me so I would keep talking and not pass out. She was a doctor so it was good that I met her.

"He works at the station with me. He doesn't at the minute because he had an accident. But we met and we weren't allowed to date because my dad's the captain. We managed to date in secret but after the earthquake he proposed and soon after that we got married." I said to them with a smile, I missed him and I was just hoping that he was ok.

"Are you thinking of having a family?" She asked me with a smile, I nodded.

"When he's back on the job and okay that's when we're thinking of trying. But I think it would be better for us to get a dog first." I said to them making Jaeden laugh.

"She was the same but we had a kid then got a cat." Jaeden said to me with some laughter. I laughed a little too.

"I bet your kid is really pretty." I said between breaths. "I'm tired." I said to them. We saw a street up ahead. It was abandoned. We walked over to the first house we saw. Jaeden knocked on the door but it was left open. They took me inside and sat me in a chair.

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