39. Seize The Day

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It had been a few weeks since Christmas and we'd already housetrained Simba. When we had to go on shift Simba went to Hayden's place. Just like today. We had a call about a guy who'd fallen out of a plane but was still hanging on. "It looks like his parachute is snagged on something. He's caught underneath the airplane." Dad said while watching the plane through binoculars.

"He hasn't said anything on the radio. Might not be conscious." Eddie said to us, I'd hate to be awake.

"Let's hope not, for his sake. This is a memory he's not gonna wanna savor. We gotta assume concussion, possible spinal injury." Chim said to us. If he wakes up he's going to be traumatized.

"And he's getting buffeted by turbulence under the plane. We're gonna need to treat him for exposure." Hen said to us.

"Let's just hope that he doesn't wake up." I said to them all.

"Yeah, we haven't talked about how we're getting home down." Buck said to us, I knew Dad had an idea.

"How's the leg?" Dad asked him.

"Uh, screws are out. Feeling great." Buck answered, I knew exactly what Dad had in store.

"All right." Dad said to him. "Dispatch, this is Captain 118. Can you get me in that pilot's ear?" Dad asked them. They managed to get him in the pilot's ear and we all got in the truck. Except for Buck and Eddie who were on top of it. "Wild One, this is Captain Nash, LAFD. Do you copy?" Dad asked, we couldn't hear what Wild One said back. "What kind of headwind reading you getting today?" Dad asked him. "I need you to turn into that wind and make an approach. I just need you to get low enough so that we can free him. Right below you." Dad said to him.

"Alright, Cap, we got him. Coming in hot behind us." Buck said over the radio. Let's hope everything goes well.

"Okay, hang tight and keep your hands ready." Dad said to Eddie and Buck. "Wild One, we're in position." Dad said to Wild One.

"Too high, Cap! Tell him to drop it!" Eddie shouted.

"Keep dropping. Lower." Dad said over the radio.

"Damn it, Cap! We missed him! Too high and too fast!" Buck shouted over the radio, maybe we'd get it next time.

"Can you drop your speed any lower?" Dad asked, hopefully he could drop the speed. "What about your flap?" Dad asked him. "Got it. Last shot." Dad said to him. "Buck, Eddie, we've got one more shot at this." Dad said to Buck and Eddie giving them the heads up. "Okay, Wild One, put her down." Dad said over the radio.

"All right, Cap, we see him! Coming in hot behind us!" Buck shouted, this was it. "That's it, that's it! Another 150 feet! Lower, lower, lower! Keep it steady. That's it. We're almost there." Buck shouted.

"Almost there!" Eddie shouted.

"Come on." I whispered.

"All right, Cap. Keep it steady. Right there, okay. Come on. Go, go, go!" Buck was saying. The plane landed.

"We got him!" Eddie shouted, Chim and I gave each other a high five. When shift ended we picked Simba up before heading home. He was nervous about tomorrow.

"Do you want me to go with you for your appointment tomorrow?" I asked him as we were getting into bed. When he got in I placed my head in his chest along with wrapping my arm around him.

"Yeah, please come with me. I need to be holding your hand when I'm being told the news." He said to me, I looked up at him.

"Well you will be. And this news better be the best news of this year because I don't want any saddening news this year." I said to him.

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