51. 9-1-1, What's Your Grievance?

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It had been three weeks since we got back from Texas. Let's just say when Dad found out about the helicopter incident me and Hen had a talking with. Because it was reckless. Being back in California, I couldn't say I was missing Texas. Today we were called to a house where a woman had been shot. "Don't think you're gonna be needing those med kits." Dad said as we walked into the yard. I then looked in the pool, she was quite clearly dead.

"Yeah, Crime Scene units on the way. We just need to get a medical confirmation that she's dead." Athena said to us all.

"On it." Chim said to her with a nod. "Excuse me." Chim said as he went past Buck, that was definitely not Chim.

"Uh, did you just say 'excuse me'?" Buck asked him, he did indeed. "Chimney's being weird." Buck whispered to me and Eddie.

"It's just you." I said to him with a smile,

"How can you tell?" Eddie asked him.

"Ooh, ooh, hey, whoever killed her kicked that gate in good. Saw a clean footprint on it." Buck said to us, I may or may not have got him into true crime during lockdown.

"Well, that foot would be mine. The gate was latched shut from the inside. Front door was locked too." Athena said to us, then how did the killer get in unless they climbed over the fence.

"If everything was locked when you got here, how'd the murderer get in or out?" Eddie asked and I looked at him.

"Exactly, especially since it would be hard to climb over the fence." I said while looking around.

"It's a locked-room mystery." Buck said, he was going going to be thinking about this all day. But so was I.

"A locked-yard mystery. What do you think? Home invasion gone bad? Murder for hire." Eddie said to him, I didn't want to be involved with their crime talk.

"Was she married? Cause...you know? The husband is usually the culprit." Buck said and I looked at him.

"Well if I die, we know who did it." I said while looking at him and he just shook his head.

"Are we making a true crime podcast?" Athena asked making me laugh.

"Calling it- -definitely some signs of struggle. Looks like a fresh manicure, too." Hen said to us.

"Guessing that the broken nail would have bugged her less than the bullet hole." Chim said to us, it would have bugged me more.

"You got an ID for the paperwork?" Hen asked hopefully they did.

"Yeah, the victims name is Delia Narwood. She's the owner and sole occupant of the property." Rick said as he tripped over the gnome. "And a...apparent fan of tiny garden statuary." Rick said to us, at least he didn't fall.

"How you doin', Rick?" Dad asked him after chuckling.

"Nice to see ya, Bobby." Rick said to him with a smile.

"Hey, you know, none of this mail's addressed to Delia Narwood- -it's not even the right house number." Eddie said as he was looking at a pile of letters.

"So she was stealing people's mail. Maybe she saw something she wasn't supposed to...and it got her killed." Buck said i shook my head. He was trying to go all detective.

"Okay, Cagney and Lacey. I think your work here is done." Athena said, I was glad that we were done with here.

"All right. Let's saddle up." Dad said as we all went to the station. Once we got back I went to Hen.

"Hen, bathroom, now. I need to talk." I said to her she nodded. We both looked around and went over to the bathroom.

"What do you need to talk about?" She asked me and I sat on the counter.

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