60. Suspicion

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Week 29, and my first week done at home. I was going crazy. It was hell. What makes it worse was seeing Buck every time he came home, always smelling like smoke, making me sad. I was making myself crazy, not even walking the dog was cutting it. Hayden had to keep taking me out to keep my mind focused on something.

"Oh, look it's the 118 going past." Hayden said as we sat outside a coffee shop, and guess what because of my hormones I was crying.

"I want to go back." I said to him and he came and sat next to me.

"Oh, it's okay. It won't be long now. And then you'll finally be back as a firefighter and also as a mom." He said to me, once I finally got home I saw Buck.

"Hey, how was drinks with Hayden?" Buck asked me as he walked over and kissed me. I looked at her.

"It was great until I saw the engine go past. Then I cried." I said to him and he hugged me, he knew how I felt about everything.

"It'll be ok, just think about it. Soon you'll have Martina to care for and I'll be at home for the first few months for it." He said to me making me smile, I'd be glad to have him home for a while but it wouldn't be enough. I wanted to work again. Once it got to Bucks next shift yet again I was driving myself crazy at home. I heard the door open whilst I was cooking.

"Y/n, it's me. I'm just checking in on you." Athena as she walked over to me, I hugged her.

"I'm glad your here, do you want a coffee or anything?" I asked her with a smile and she smiled back at me.

"A coffee would be perfect. How's the little one been today?" She asked me as she sat down at the table, I poured her a coffee.

"She's been kicking and moving a lot, even had the hiccups at one stage." I said to her and she smiled at me as we both sit down.

"She's going to be a live one, and hard to control but you'll manage. Especially since you've got Buck." She said to me making me smile, I rested my hand on my belly.

"I'm just hoping she won't turn out to be stubborn like me, I'm bad enough. I don't think having two would be good." I said to her with a smile.

"I think we'd all struggle with that. How are you holding up though? It can't be easy when your alone for 24 hours waiting for Buck to come." She said to me and I looked around.

"It's honestly so hard, you can say that I have Simba but I'm still alone. When he's gone I just think 'what if I go into early labour or what if I have an accident?' I'm alone, and in all fairness. I don't know the neighbors so it's not like I could get ahold of them. It's just horrible." I said to her and she stood up to come and hug me. This was what I didn't want, to be alone. Being alone wasn't what I wanted to be whilst pregnant.

"Your not alone, you have me even when I'm not working and you have Hayden and he checks in every 30 minutes. But I get that you feel lonely all you want is someone around and there not. But if anything happens I'll be here and you know I'll let the 118 know everything as it happens." She said to me making me smile, I loved having her as a stepmom she was just the best. She finished her coffee up before having to head out. It wasn't long until Hayden joined me.

"So I was thinking. Me and you, Criminal Minds. This is the only thing that can make you better." He said to me before loading up Netflix. This was my comfort show, he knew everything. We then cuddled until we'd finished the last few episodes.

"Now what do we do?" I asked him sadly, Buck should've been home ten minutes ago, but he wasn't.

"How about we watch the news. I know that it seems to calm you a bit especially since you can see how bad the world is and your lucky to be home." He said to me, we then turned it on. There was a lot of boring things happening.

"There's nothing interesting." I said to him as he stood up to go and cook something for us to eat.

"Maybe there will be in ten minutes, you never know what they might report." He said to me and I sighed, god who knew that this world was so boring today. I think a report on a cat in a tree would be better. It wasn't long until Buck came home.

"I'm home, sorry I'm late I went to the store." Buck said as he walked in, I saw Hayden go over to him and whisper something. Buck nodded and then came over to me and sat down. He pulled me into him and we just cuddled, once Hayden had finished he served us all a plate of his finest and then he left. God that was a hard day. And it was only going to happen again soon. And once it came around to Buck's shift I put the TV on. There had to be something interesting on. The door opened and Hayden walked in to keep me company again. I was glad I wasn't alone when the one segment.

"An LAFD firefighter has just been shot in broad daylight, we currently don't have any information as to what has led to this but we will find out more and keep you updated as everything happens." The reporter said and I felt tears in my eyes. I tried calling Buck but no answer. I kept trying but nothing.

"We need to go. We need to go now. He's not answering." I said to Hayden standing up, I was stressing that it was Buck. This wasn't good for me at all.

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