2. Let Go

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It was a new shift. Tonight I was thinking that we would have a chill night, but boy was I wrong. We were called to a fair. A roller coaster was stuck upside. That was my worst nightmare. What made it worse was the seat holder had come off in the first carriage leaving a passenger dangling and hanging on for his life. When we got the ladder it was in the the wrong angle.

"Buck, we cans in at the wrong angle. I'm gonna have you climb up there, harness him in, and hang tight while we move the truck. You think you can handle that?" Dad asked him, I saw a smile creep on Buck's face.

"Hell yeah. This daredevil hero stuff is what I signed up for, Bobby." Buck said while looking at him, did he not take into account that I was there as well.

"Good." Dad responded.

"Just don't fall, we don't need another casualty." I said to him before he started ascending up the ladder. We started extending the ladder and moving it into it's proper position.

"Everybody, try to stay calm. We'll get you down, I promise, all right? I need you to relax, I need you to breathe, and I need you to keep as still as possible. You move less, you stay safe. We get everyone off this ride safe." Buck told them before we got on the rail track. We watched as he climbed all the way to the cart. "Hey, what's your name man?" Buck asked the passenger who was hanging on for his life.

"Devon." Was what I heard as a response.

"Devon. All right, Devon. Well, hang on, brother." Buck asked while continuing his climb.

"Do you want me to go up and help?" I asked Dad.

"No, it's too risky we don't know how sturdy the structure is." Dad said to me, I knew that anything I asked now was going to be shut down.

"Hey, Bobby, he's asking about his friend." Buck radioed down to us.

"Chimney, it's Captain, you copy?" Dad said to him after radioing him.

"Copy, Captain. What do you need?" Chim replied back.

"How's the kid on the ground?" Dad asked, it was most definitely the worst outcome.

"We lost him." Chim replied, I knew it.

"We don't need anyone from above seeing that." I said to Chim.

"So, do me a favor...he survived, right? Get him on a gurney. You know the drill." Dad told them, it was down to Devon to believe it or not.

"Copy that." Chim said back. I watched as they took the guy away. I then looked up and saw that Buck was at the top.

"We have to move now." Dad said, we got into the truck and moved it to a better location. Not having my eyes on Buck and what was happening was killing me. That night resulted in Devon's death which wasn't Buck's fault but the positive was that the 4 other people survived. But we could all tell that the event took its toll on Buck. When we got back to the station we took a rest before waking up for the morning. Me and Dad had cooked but Buck was just staring lifelessly.

"I'm not hungry." Buck said as Chim put a plate in front of him.

"This is America, Buckaroo. Eating has nothing to do with being hungry." Chim said to him.

"Now that is true." I said to Chim with a smile.

"I was right there. You know, all he had to do was reach up and grab my hand." Buck said, I'd served another plate up and passed it Dad so he could give it to Chimney.

"People do funny things at times like that. Sometimes they just freeze up." Chim said to him while sitting across from him.

"I've never lost anyone before. Does it get any easier?" Buck asked, I grabbed a plate, placed it in my space and then sat next to Buck.

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