41. Pinned

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It had been a week and I was back to where I usually was in terms of my mental state. Today we had a call to a bowling alley. "Hey. Are you in charge here?" Dad asked the worker that we saw, he wasn't really acting panicked or life like.

"I guess." He said to us monotonously.

"Thank God you're here! She's this way." Another worker said to us, now why wasn't he the manager. "Okay, her name's Arlene Branson. She's the owner. She was working on lane five when the pin setter came down on her. I wasn't sure what to do, so I shut off the power to stop it from cycling again but I didn't think I should move it until you guys got here." He said to us, now he was going places in life.

"Okay." Dad said to him, I was hoping he was going to be made manager after this.

"Help!" Arlene shouted before moaning in pain. We made our way over to her.

"Arlene?" Hen asked her.

"Garrett?" Arlene shouted wanting to know if he was here.

"It's okay, Arlene. I'm here. These people are gonna help you, okay?" Garrett said to her, he was right we were here to help.

"All right, I got a compound fracture, more outside than in. Pulse is very weak." Chim said to us, let's just hope she doesn't have to lose her arm.

"She's lost a lot of blood. Let's get the fluids going." Hen said to us, the way that I could think is moving her with the machinery still attached to her.

"All right, do you know how to move this thing? How to release it?" Dad asked Garrett, there was but she'd bleed a lot more than what she already was.

"I mean, not really. I've only watched Arlene do it." Garrett said to us, I've seen a lot of these but not in a while.

"Manual. Right, manual release. Which is here somewhere." Garrett said, I started to take a look to see if I could see it.

"We could take it apart piece by piece." Buck said to us, we could.

"Not sure what that's gonna do for her arm." Eddie said to us.

"I've seen case like this before but it was always with meat grinders and other heavy machinery. We usually tried to move them with their arm still in the machinery." I said to them.

"We'll keep that in mind, if it comes to it." Dad said to me and I nodded.

"Here. Put this in the back, then turn it." Garrett said as the handle for the manual release was being passed back to Eddie.

"Blood pressure's dropping." Hen said to us, we should really start working faster.

"Pushing fluids through." Chim said while pushing the fluids through.

"I'll get the tourniquet, tie the arm, and get her out." Eddie said to us, sounded good.

"I don't know if that's gonna work. Right now, this cross brace is the only thing that's holding her arm in place. I think we should do what Y/n was talking about. The minute you move it, she's gonna bleed more." Hen said to us.

"And given how broken her bones are, it'll be like tying off a wet bag of rocks." Chim said to us, that's why we'd never done it before.

"What if we embrace the cross brace? We cut her from the pin setter here, then we weld these points here, here, and here, and you've got a- -" Buck started, we had a splint.

"Damn good splint. All right, we're gonna need a stick welder." Dad said to us.

"I'll be back." I said before going to get the stick welder. When I returned we got to work.

Issues // Buck X Reader // 9-1-1 [Book 1] (COMPLETED) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now