62. Panic

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It had been 4 months since Martina was born and she was growing up too quickly even Buck wanted her to stop. We went back to work last month which meant leaving her with Hayden every time we had a a shift or uncle Hayden as he preferred to be known as. We'd both woken up early. buck was bottle feeding her.

"How can be a both just stay home and just look after Martina?" He asked me and I looked at him and then at her.

"We can't, we have lives to save as much as I'd love to stay at home with her." I said to him before Hayden picked her ip and we went to work. As I went upstairs my phone buzzed.

"Earthquake alert. That's weird. You guys feel anything?" Dad asked me and I shook my head.

"Mines for a Tornado but nothings been forecasted." I said them all remembering the tornado from Chicago. Buck's phone went off and as soon as he read it he looked at me.

"Uh, m-mine's a tsunami alert." He said, he was probably remembering everything that happened. I went over to him and hugged him.

"Mudslide warning." Eddie said reading his phone.

"It's like our greatest hits." Chim said to us. He could say that again.

"Why isn't the bell going off?" Buck asked, I heard another phone go off. It was Hen.

"Don't tell us, the bombs are landing in five minutes." Chim said to Hen as she started walking over to us.

"No. Evidently I'm dialing 911." Hen said while showing us her phone, what was going on here. Today was definitely going to be strange. We had a call to a ship yard, a car was sinking in the water. Once we arrived on scene it was multiple cars. Buck and Eddie went into get them out. Tonight was something for the books. Once we got home Buck and I were watching the news in bed.

"Representatives from GoGo Anywhere suggested a bug in the most recent update might be what caused the navigation app to malfunction." The reporter said to the viewers. I shook my head.

"That's a big malfunction. There's no way that it was a bug. And I'm going to do a little investigating." I said before picking up my phone and Buck instantly took it from me.

"Okay. Enough of that." He said to me before kissing me and leaning over the top of me.

"Fine, there's a enough of that." I said to him with a smiling.

"Good because there are better things that you could be wasting your time on. It was just a bug in the system that will get fixed." He said to me before kissing me.

"Oh really now." I said to him before deepening the kiss. We then heard a baby cry.

"I'll go see if she's okay." Buck said before rolling off of me and going to see Martina. I sighed. This was our life now. When it got to the next morning me and Buck were just going to the park for a picnic. A nice outing for three of us. Especially since we didn't really have a lot of time out of work.

"So, I was thinking that we might need to start looking for daycares, now I know you don't like the idea but she'll need to make friends before kindergarten and also Hayden can't look after her forever." I said to Buck as I started to eat my sandwich, he looked at me.

"We should but what do we do about our 24 hour shifts?" He asked me as I looked at him.

"We can ask Hayden if he'll take her back to his and she can sleep there like she's already doing." I said to him with a smile and a nod. At this point she had 3 parents. She was a lucky girl.

"I guess we could." He said to me, it wasn't long until we had to go home and prepare for shift. We had a call to a control tower at the airport. It was a medical emergency.

"His name is Nick. I'm his supervisor. He's been unconscious for eight minutes. I can't get a steady pulse." Nick's supervisor said to us all.

"Got it. We'll take it from here." Dad said to her and we all started creating space.

"Let's clear out. Give me some room." Chim said as everyone backed away. He then started compressions. "Yo, Eddie, this is the part where you glue wires to him." Chim said, Eddie was acting a little bit odd recently. "Nick, can you hear me?!" Chim shouted at him but nothing.

"He's in V-fib." Eddie said to him.

"Damn it. Come on, Buddy. Come on, Nick." Chim said as he started compressions again.

"Clear." Eddie shouted before Chim let go and we shocked Nick. He was back with us again.

"Normal rhythm." Eddie said to us all and I smiled.

"It's okay, Nick. Just breathe." Buck said to him with a smile.

"What happened?" He asked us all.

"You had a heart attack." Buck said to him, that must've been scaring to hear.

"You must have a good boss. She kept you with us until the cavalry arrived." Chim said to him, I saw Eddie look elsewhere.

"Hey, are you okay?" Eddie asked the guy who had a hand to his chest.

"We're just going to prep you to move. The hospital will be able to make sure this doesn't happen again." I said to him with a smile and he nodded.

"Guys, we got another one!" Eddie shouted at us.

"This is Captain Nash. We're gonna need a second gurney." Dad said as we started leaving with both of them. "We're gonna need another gurney." I heard Dad say on the radio, god they were all dropping like flies. We finally managed to go the three of them to the hospital. We then were put to work bagging patients. At least we wouldn't be dealing with the chaos outside. Once someone took over from me, I went up to the NICU that place would be enough to bring some happiness to me. But also to make me miss Martina. After a few minutes I went downstairs to see Buck. He was watching the news.

"Well, let me be clear. The city of Los Angeles does not negotiate with terrorists." The reporter said before the hospital blacked out. I instantly grabbed ahold of Buck. Even when the generators came back on it was still dark. We then saw that everyone was panicked. We went after them.

"Generators should have kicked in automatically. Somethings wrong." Eddie said to us, everything was wrong.

"Chim's finding out where they are." Hen said to us before we heard Chim's voice.

"Guys, back of the building, near the service doors." Chim said and I nodded at least we knew where we were going.

"Buck, get the tools, meet us there." Dad said while outreaching a hand to him.

"Copy that." Buck said before we heard a crash rumble. I looked up.

"That came from the roof." Hen said before we all started running down and outside. The helicopter was over the edge.

"The generators will have to wait." Dad said to us.

"Right now generators don't matter." I said to them all, those lives did. All I know is this was going to be a long.

Issues // Buck X Reader // 9-1-1 [Book 1] (COMPLETED) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now