36. Malfunction

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Today something that I didn't know was exposed and now I don't know what to do with the information. Let's go to the start, we were called to an accident that happened at an ice show. Not only had someone been impaled but also fingers were missing. "I haven't seen this much blood on the ice since a squirrel crawled into the Zamboni." One of the crew members told us as she was taking us to the ice.

"Any idea what caused the accident?" Dad asked her.

"Well, the Snowy Owls we're finishing up their 'Free in the Forest' bit. Hansel and Gretel hit the ice for their breadcrumb Schtick, and boom- -bloodbath on ice." She said to us, I saw Buck fall and I had to hold my laughter in.

"What's the story, Chim?" Dad asked him, Chim then walked over.

"These two children are abandoned in the woods. They come upon a gingerbread house where a witch entices them..." Chim said giving the story of Hansel and Gretel, I take it that wasn't what Dad was looking for. "It was a multi-skater pile-up. Most of the injuries are minor except for that guy." Chim said before I went to go and look for fingers. I was walking across the ice easily. I managed to find a finger so I gave it to Buck so he could put it with the others.

"Found two fingers, Cap. Still looking for the other ones." Buck said to him, it was like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

"Hey, got the pinkie." Eddie shouted while holding it.

"All right. Three down, one to go." Buck said to him. I was struggling to find this finger.

"You should be able to sew those back on, right?" The witch asked Dad.

"Any luck?" I asked Buck.

"None at all. What about you?" He said to me as I was searching.

"Nothing." I said to him as we continued looking.

"Yes! I got the middle one." Buck said with a smile. At least he would have all five fingers again. "Hey- -hey, Cap. We- -we found all the fingers." Buck said to him seeming as he wasn't moving.

"Cap, victims are being transported." Hen said to him.

"Yeah. Our work here's done." Chim said to him, Dad was looking for something.

"Great." Dad said, he spotted something. "Ah." He said before picking something up, we all went over to him. "Found it." Dad said before standing up.

"What's that?" Eddie asked him.

"A sequin. When your blade runs across one of these, it stops your skates dead in their tracks." Dad said to us, now how did he know this.

"Wait, one sequin did all of this?" Buck asked him. Well obviously it did.

"A wardrobe malfunction can be the most dangerous part of figure skating." Dad said to us, this wasn't making sense to me.

"So how come you know so much about figure skating?" Chim asked him.

"Especially since I never did figure skating." I said to him confusedly. Dad sighed.

"My partner Heidi Shatsky and I were Twin Cities Junior Pairs Champions three years running." Dad said with a nod. I wanted to laugh but I kept a straight face.

"I always thought you were a hockey player, Cap." Eddie said to him trying not to laugh, I'd only seem Dad playing hockey in old pictures and videos. Never figure skating.

"Who says you can't do both?" Dad said before walking away, we all watched him go.

"We'll Google for photos later." Buck said, he nearly slipped as we were walking.

Issues // Buck X Reader // 9-1-1 [Book 1] (COMPLETED) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now