14. Stuck

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Today was my first shift back, I'd been given the all the clear by the doctors. Throughout this whole time Buck had been looking after me and constantly checking up on me. Of course Maddie had to keep telling him that I would be fine and then there's was me reminding him I'd been through a lot worse. I truly do mean that. Of course everyone was making sure that I wasn't doing that much on shift. When we got one call, I wanted to help out as much as possible but I wasn't allowed to.

"LAFD. Step back." Dad said to the crowd of people.

"Please help me! Please help me! Someone help me, please!" A guy shouted, we looked up and saw him wedged between the two buildings. The only thing saving him was his gut.

"Whoa. Whatever you do, brother, don't suck in that gut." Chim said while looking up.

"I don't think he's planning on it." I said to Chim. We all were given different orders but mine was to stay with Dad.

"How we doing, George?" Dad asked him.

"I can't...I can't feel my legs. And I think my ankle's broken." Dad shouted down, Hen and Eddie were in the building opposite. Whereas the rest of us were on the other buildings roof.

"Sir, you have any idea how long you've been down there?" Hen asked him.

"I saw the sun come up." George said to us, he'd been stuck there for quite sometime.

"Well, he's wedged in there pretty good." Buck said to us.

"He's probably dehydrating down there as well." I said to Dad, seeming as we didn't know how long he'd been down there it was hard to tell what condition he could be in.

"How's your breathing?" Hen asked him.

"I can't really take a deep breath." He told us, that was probably a good thing.

"Hey, George, can-can you show us how high you can reach? If we can drop you a line, we may be able to pull you up." Buck said to him.

"Okay." George said to us before slowly raising his arms.

"Nice and slow, George." Hen said to him.

"That's it." Buck said, George moved his arms and then screamed in pain.

"George, just...keep hanging in there, we will get you out." Dad said to him.

"What are you thinking, Cap?" Chim said, Dad told us his plan all we needed to do was create an open area in the open house unit below us. I knocked on the door and we waited for it to open.

"Yes?" The realtor asked while opening the door.

"Ma'am, we need to access this unit." Dad said before we walked in.

"Uh..." She got out.

"Let's go, start with the drill." Dad said to us.

"Uh, I'm in the middle of a private showing." She said to us.

"You might wanna reschedule." I said to her before Chim walked through the door. We started with the drill and made a hole.

"Help! Help!" We heard George say but it was muffled.

"A little high, boss. One second." Hen said to Dad over the radio.

"Maybe we should try here." I said while putting my hand on a part of the wall. I moved my hand and Dad drew a cross.

"Let's try it. That's your target." Dad said to Buck, he then started to smash the wall in with a sledgehammer.

"Why couldn't you go through the wall of the other building?" The realtor asked us.

Issues // Buck X Reader // 9-1-1 [Book 1] (COMPLETED) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now