47. The New Abnormal

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We were living in new times now, the whole world had been affected with a pandemic called Covid-19 or as some call it Coronavirus. Everywhere may have been on lockdown but because our work was essential, we all had to be at work. Now I will tell I did get the virus and it was the worst experience ever. Let me let you in on what a typical day was like.

A month ago

"Buck, I'm cold." I said to him, he was staying off work until I was better. He looked at me.

"You've got a blanket on already. I'll get you another. Do you feel different anywhere else? Any pain? Loss of sense of smell or taste?" He asked me as he stood up to get the comforter off our bed.

"I feel fine just cold." I said before coughing a little bit. When he came back downstairs he wrapped me up in the comforter.

"That cough, is that new? Do I need to call a doctor?" He asked me, he was so worried that it was sweet and annoying at the same time. I looked at him.

"I'll be fine, now I'm going to sleep. You don't need to worry about me." I said to him before lying on my side and falling asleep. That's how it was until he came down with it and I had to care for him but when we got back to work we continued like usually just taking pre-causations until this thing was over.

Present day

It was finally September, shift was going like it usually was. Of course masks were mandatory to make sure we wouldn't spread or catch anything. Chim has temporarily moved in with Buck and I seeming as Maddie was pregnant. "You know what I miss? I miss caffeine. I mean, we're sleeping great. The morning sickness is gone. We're in the sweet spot, but I really need my cup of joe in the morning." I overheard Maddie say on her video call to Chim.

"Yeah, well, that's no longer part of your complete breakfast." Chim said to Maddie as I poured myself a cup of coffee.

"Peppermint tea. Delicious." Albert said while giving Maddie a mug.

"You are not drinking peppermint tea. That is coffee. I can smell it, now give it." Maddie said to him, making me put a small smile on my face.

"Don't do it, Albert! Don't you do it!" Chim said before I walked over to the sofa. "Maddie..." Chim got out.

"The doctor said one cup a day." Maddie said to him, I could never live but that. I need my coffee.

"Yeah, well, she's the doctor. Not the parent." Chim said as Buck was about to pour a cup of coffee.

"I think you mean the hyper-parent." Buck said making me smile.

"Hey, go stick you face in your own FaceTime." Chim said to him.

"I should pull the plug on yours 'cause you should be bickering with her in your own kitchen. Eddie and Hen went back to their kids months ago, and you're the only one still going all 'World War Z.'" Buck said making me laugh.

"He's got a point Chim." I said to him with a smile.

"Don't back him up little Nash." Chim said to me I looked at me.

"Sorry I can't do that." I said to him, making him shake his head.

"I'm being cautious. And we're not bickering. We're bantering. Playfully. Speaking of which, shouldn't you be upstairs talking to your new COVID friend?" Chim asked Buck, little did he know that Buck was actually seeing a therapist.

"She had to go, and it's not like that with us." Buck said to him, I got up walked over to them.

"No, she's just a woman you talk to for hours at a time through a webcam." Chim said to us, but it still wasn't like that.

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