73. Boston

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I was still trying to get over what Buck hadn't told me but I was trying to move on from that. "How is my favorite girl feeling today?" Buck asked as I was downstairs with Martina.

"Who are we talking about here?" I asked him while raising an eyebrow at him. He looked at the two of us.

"I was meant to say girls." He said to me with a smile as he came and sat next to me. He took my hand and we both looked at Martina.

"Now she's fine and I'm better, especially since I have you two for the day." I said to him with a smile, we then heard the door go.

"Nothing ever comes good out of these morning surprise visits. But I'll get it." He said to me before getting up and heading to the door. I wasn't prepared for who was there.

"Now, where's my grand baby that I didn't even know existed." I heard a familiar voice say as the door opened. My own mother. I saw Buck look at me. This was going to be a morning.

"Winona, always a pleasure. Please do come in." Buck said before opening the door and I had to force the fakest smile on my face.

"Mom, it's so nice to see you." I said to her before she gave me a hug, how I wanted this to already be over.

"You look good at least your not keeping that pregnancy fat like I thought you would've. Now this must be the one I've wanted to see. What's her name?" She said to me and I clenched a fist in my hand. Buck walked over and placed his hands on my shoulder before kissing my cheek.

"Just ignore everything, it's for a few hours." He whispered to me and I nodded, this whole thing was my second nightmare. The first time was when she showed up those years ago and said that I had another set of brothers and sisters. That was the worst.

"It's Martina. We call her Mars for short." I said to her with a smile and she didn't have a good face.

"Mars, I don't like it. Tina is a better name shortened." She said to me and I was about to lose it. This was not her kid, not even her granddaughter at this point.

"Like Celeste is a good name." I whispered to Buck making him smile and shaking his head.

"What was that?" She asked me and I looked away them back at her.

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing." I said to her with a smile, there was another knock at the door.

"That'll be Mark. Evan if you don't mind." She said ordering Buck around. So first, she judges me and the Martina's name and now she's ordering my husband around like she owns the place.

"Yeah, I'll get it." He said before going to the door.

"Oh, hey Evan. Thanks for that." Mark said as he was carrying a rocking horse. That was just great wasn't it. They couldn't be here all the time so instead they want to make sure to still give her things.

"It's too much, we can't accept this." I said to her while looking at the size of it. Martina's room wasn't even big enough for it.

"Thank you so much but we really can't." Buck said to them both. Maybe they'd listen to us.

"Don't be silly, just point Mark in the right direction and we'll put it in her room. She can use it within a the year." Winona said but none of us were going to do that. Until Buck and I looked at each. We had no choice but to do it.

"It's that way." Buck said to her before they both went that way to her room.

"She needs new things in her room. It's not very girly. Where are the dolls?" She asked me as she came back, was she forgetting that she wasn't even a year yet. She was too young for a doll.

"Given that she can't play with them yet, theres not point in having one just yet." I said to her and she looked at me and shook her head.

"Your never to young for dolls, you had your first one at 5 months and you called her your sister until you were. Where is it that doll now?" She asked me and I looked down and outside before looking at her again.

"It was burned in the fire. I gave it to Brook." I said to her and she looked away before looking at me again.

"I'm sorry to hear that. I always wished I picked up the phone after that whole thing. It wasn't fair not reacting out until years later and I know that now. But in better news we'll get Martina a doll. Just not one of Celeste or El's. I know that you wouldn't want a hand me down, you are the oldest and it's not for you to take to that." She said to me and she was right. And she was showing sympathy. I didn't think that she'd show it, not ever.

"I wouldn't want that. But if you and Mark want to take her out and pick her one. We'll allow it as long as your back in the hour. Me and Buck will be waiting." I said before looking at Buck. I didn't even want to know what he was thinking of.

"Not a minute later, there's a toy store one block over you can take her there." Buck said to her before I got her pram out and attached a certain rattle to it.

"We'll bring her back in one piece. I promise." Mark said to us, that wasn't funny at all. It was terrible joke.

"Oh behave Mark." Mom said to him before they said there goodbyes as soon as they left I switched the laptop on.

"Are we really going to let them take her?" Buck asked before he sat next to me.

"There's a tracker in the rattle. So we can get a coffee and watch it. Make sure she's safe." I said to Buck and he kissed me.

"Your so smart, and I'll get the snacks." He said to me and for that hour we watched the tracker. We saw there every move. And when they came back there was more than one bag of toys. And of course there were dolls. Little did everyone know that my biggest phobia was dolls which is why I gave mine away. As long as this didn't turn into a Chucky or Annabelle we'd be fine. Once they'd finally left everything had a sense of normality again.

"Buck, we need to get rid of the dolls." I said to him and just laughed and shook his head.

"Right away." He said before retrieving them, no questions asked. "Maybe Jee would like them." He said and I nodded. Better at Chim's then ours. But at least that was one less thing to worry about.

Issues // Buck X Reader // 9-1-1 [Book 1] (COMPLETED) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now