13. Help Is Not Coming

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After a while I regained consciousness, I saw someone laying down. It was Hen. "Hen, are you okay?" I asked her. She sat up.

"I should be asking you that." She said to me.

"I'm fine except from my dislocated shoulder and I'm pretty sure I have a concussion as well." I said to her, she started trying to examine me. "Hen, we need to get try and figure a way out and then that's when I become important to examine." I said to her.

"Ok, let's try and look for a way to get out. How long have you been down here?" She asked me.

"I don't know, before the aftershock." I said to her before she stood up. "No one knows I'm down here Hen." I said to her. Dad was probably thinking I was ok and Buck had no idea.

"It's ok, Y/n. They know I'm down here." She said to me I felt relieved about that, I felt something run down my face. A liquid. "Y/n, you're bleeding." She said to me. I'm pretty sure Dad would've known that I was missing right now. We heard someone groaning. He was from the 221. "221, right?" Hen asked him.

"Yeah. Russ." He said to us.

"Y/n and Hen. 118." I said to him.

"Where...Where's your radio, Russ? Ours are toast." Hen said while trying to search him.

"I don't have one. All radios were issued out. It's not my shift." Russ said to us, I bet he wished he didn't come in today.

"Oh, my god, you came in on your day off, Russ?" Hen asked him.

"Yeah. Nothing new on Netflix." He said before letting out a weak laugh.

"Tell me about it, I looked this morning ended watching Private Practice again." I said to him with a laugh. Hen tried to move the pipe on top but me and Russ knew that it would do anything.

"All right, there's got to be a jack in one of these cars. All right." Hen said before going to check to see if she could get into any cars.

"Don't waste your strength or your time." Russ said to her. I sat down and leaned against a car.

"None of that, Russ. We're all getting out of here. Okay?" Hen said to us, I wanted to be left here.

"I'm not. Fractured pelvis, flail chest- -even I couldn't save me, and...you don't know me, but I'm good." Russ said to him, not even I would be able to save him.

"Hen, you should leave us. I know that I'm not even in that bad of a condition. But it will be easier if you leave us. Save yourself." I said to her, the pain in my head was starting to get worse.

"Yeah? Well, maybe I'm better and Y/n I'm not leaving you here. If you go the 118 won't be the same." She said to me. But still they could move on. I know it would be hard at first especially for my dad and Buck but they could deal with it.

"Yeah?" He said to her. She came and joined us after not being able to unlock the car. Russ started coughing up blood.

"Hold on. Hang in there, Russ. Hang in there." Hen said to him, I felt my eyelids become heavy. Hen started hitting my cheeks. "Y/n, I need you to stay awake." She said to me.

"I'll try to but no promises." I said to her.

"I'm not gonna make it 20 minutes. Help's not coming. Not in time, anyway. So, please, my kit. The morphine. Give me a bolus. Oh, give me three." He said before gasping. Hen got the morphine out and gave him a bolus.

"I'll give you one, just to keep you comfortable, but we're not giving up, okay?" Hen said to him.

"You married, Hen and Y/n?" He asked us.

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