68. Ghost Stories

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It was spooky season again, my all time favorite. Especially because I could scares Buck. But he didn't need me to do that. Tonight we were heading to a call where someone had been buried alive. That's the scariest thing could humanly happen. We had eyes in the sky for this. "118, this is Fire 1. We're looking for a needle in a haystack out here." Fire 1 said over the radio, it may have been but we could do it. Once we pulled up on scene I saw how many guys were here. We could find him.

"All right, victim's name is Edgar Hill. He told dispatch that he was carjacked, got shot and buried in some sort of coffin out here. Based on the size of an average male, that box is probably 86 by 30 inches. That's 45 feet of cubic space, most of which is taken up by Edgar. So he's got ten minutes to an hour's worth of air left." Dad said to us all, we better get our thinking caps on.

"We don't know how long he's been underground, right?" Buck asked, that went hand in hand with another question.

"Or which piece of ground he's under. Cell towers can only limit the search by so much. Let's fan out." Dad said and I walked off with someone from a different house. There was nothing at all.

"118, be advised. Infrared penetration is not optimal at this time." Fire 1 said to us over the radio. This was in shambles.

"Copy that, Fire 1. Keep doing what you can." Dad said over the radio. God these woods were big. And it was dark and cold. This whole thing was just evil. Why would you attempt to kill someone and then bury them. The sounds of owl hootings could be heard and it was making everything more eerie.

"There!" I heard Buck yell and I ran over. We started digging the ground up.

"Everybody, dig! Move!" Eddie shouted at us all.

"Hey, come on! Come on!" Buck shouted and more people were digging with us now.

"Edgar, stay with us! We're coming for you!" SAR's team shouted at him, we were there. We were at the box.

"That's the box." Buck said before we started prying it off.

"All right, let's get the top off. Hey, hey. Careful, now. Careful, guys." Dad said to us all as we moved the top away.

"Get the gurney over here." Buck said to the paramedics. "We got him, Cap! We got him." Buck shouted as we pulled him out of his coffin. He wasn't using it. Not today.

"Dispatch, we've located and extracted the victim. Beginning medical assessment." Dad said to May over the radio.

"Copy that, 118. He's all yours." May said before Hen and Julie started looking at him. I went to get the gurney. Once I made it back to the ambulance I got the gurney and brought it back.

"Coming through!" Dad shouted at everyone and we got him straight to the ambulance and immediately to the hospital. Once it became morning I was just waiting to see what would happen and mainly how to decorate the apartment.

"Are you carving a pumpkin already?" Buck asked me as I had a pumpkin on the side resting on a bag. I could then easily bag up all the insides rather than scraping it all up.

"Of course, it's my favorite time of the year so of course I'm going to make it special for Martina so it's her favorite as well." I said to him with a smile.

"Why can't it be something normal? Like Christmas." He said to me with a smile and shaking his head.

"Because Christmas is a time of giving and this is a time of being whatever you want to be without being judged making every normal. But can you get me something from the top cupboard?" I asked him, little did he know I'd placed something there that would jump at him and once he opened it he shouted with a hint of being scared.

"I hate you so much for that." He said to me before kissing my head and passing me a marker.

"You know you couldn't live without me." I said to him with a smile and he shook his head and walked away. Once it got to next shift I was Eva walk in, god Halloween really did bring in demons didn't it. But I was going to ignore that her existence even was a thing. She didn't deserve anything. Nothing at all and once shift was over I was glad it was. It just meant that we could head home and just relax over everything. 

"Don't tell me you've trapped the house again?" Buck asked me as I carried Martina into the room again.

"No I could never. Why would I?" I asked him while bouncing Martina.

"Because your a little trickster at this time." He said to me and I looked at him.

"There's nothing but I did start up a board there's something that's not adding up about that call. Carjacking's don't involve shootings and burials. Something doesn't add up and you said that he said Lizzie once he got out and according to a source she's on a cruise and he was dancing around the whole thing. And someone told me there was a van that kept parking outside of their house for a few weeks." I said to him and he looked at me.

"How do you know it's not the pool guy?" He asked me and I looked at him.

"Because you'd never sneak to meet your pool guy in a fight. Besides the postman overheard him and Lizzie arguing about life insurance and he was going to make sure she didn't get a penny of it. Or it was the other way around. The marriage was failing. But her response was money or not, she rather see him dead." Buck said to me, Martina was smiling at everything that we were saying. I'm so glad she didn't understand.

"So they had serious issues. Marriage issues." Buck said to me and I looked at him.

"Their marriage was on the edge. She wants out but all that money is gone. His business is failing meaning that if she walked away she'd nothing. But everything in Edgar's name was worth millions and she'd only get it if he was dead." I said to him, god I was in the wrong line of work.

"You think it was an organized hit?" He asked me and I nodded at him.

"It's the only thing that make sense." I said to him with a smile.

"Why didn't you become a detective or an FBI agent?" He asked me with a smile and I looked at my board before looking at him.

"Because I wanted to run into burning buildings and not running after serial killers." I said to him with a smile he shook his head at me.

"Well for now. I know that you'll become one one day. You won't be in this line forever." He said to me and maybe he was write, maybe I would go into that line of work. That afternoon that was a new update on the case and Buck was on a run.

"A shocking new development in the story of the kidnapping and attempted murder of local contractor Edgar Hill. I'm a bizarre turn of events, three suspects are in custody tonight, including Mr. Hill himself, as well as his wife Elizabeth Hill, and Tom Gladden, an employee at a local hardware store." Taylor reported, I've never been more confused.

"What's going on now, Martina?" I asked her and she made a little noise. "Yeah, Mommy doesn't know either. Let's have a think." I said to her before putting her in a bouncer. But nothing I could piece together made sense. But I called Athena after a few hours had she put me out of my misery. They were all crazy and Tom had confessed to everything because he'd be safer in prison and he was. Away from the crazy. I took my board down and Buck came out from the bathroom.

"I take it that the case has been solved." He said to me with a smile and I looked at him.

"Yeah, Tom confessed to everything and apparently Lizzie and Edgar were both crazy." I said to him with a smile, I then tossed everything in the trash,

"Well at least that's one less mystery to think about." He said while walking over and kissing me making Martina laugh. "Shall I do it again, Martina?" He asked and she giggled again. He then kissed me again.

"Someone likes seeing her parents being romantic with each other." I said with a smile as I cuddled into Buck.

"I bet she won't when she grows up." He said to me making me laugh.

"Those will be the dreaded years." I said with a smile, he left out a soft chuckle.

"For now we enjoy these little moments." He said to me and I agreed. At least then we could hold things against her. But we could never do that. Once it got to a later time we called it a night. That was enough crime solving for a week.

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