8. Karma's a Bitch

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One of our calls today was to somewhere we'd been before. Under different circumstances though. "We've been here before?" Hen asked confused.

"We really have." I said to her. Before it was about his wife.

"When?" Buck asked the two of us.
"Before you joined us, kid." Dad said before we looked at the tree. The guy who lived here, his wife hung herself in the tree. The place was still the same as what it was last year. He didn't really seem to be bothered at his wife's death. I mean the tree was down. We found him on the ground with a gun shot wound to the chest. Hen put a compress on it to stop the bleeding. "The bullet she fired at him..." Dad said before stopping.

"Did it fly out of the tree when he blew it up?" Hen asked us. He started wheezing and then he was gone. "Karma's a bitch." Hen said to us.

"A good kind of bitch as well." I said to her with a smile. It was a new shift and Chim was holding his blood drive. Of course I was gonna donate, it was just going to be interesting to see if Dad would, given his past.

"So I want to thank everybody for donating today. I don't know if you know this or not, but 90% of all the blood given to patients in the Los Angeles area comes from volunteers. I know that we all put our asses on the line in the field every day to save people, but today, you're saving people, and all it's taking is a tiny prick of a needle. So simple, even Mr. Buckley can't mess that up." Chim said to, that was right this was one of the many things that Buck couldn't mess up. Luckily for me, I was nearly finished with donating.

"You still at it, huh? How'd you do?" Dad asked him, he was in his out of work clothes.

"Incredible. Everyone donated. Some people even came in on their day off." Chim said to us.

"And you are all done." The nurse said to me before taking the needle out my arm.

"Thank you. Chim." I said to them.

"Yes, Little Nash." He said while looking at me.

"Do we have any chocolate chip cookies?" I asked him while getting off the seat.

"Yes, upstairs in one of the top cupboard." He said to me, I smiled.

"Ok, thank you." I said before going upstairs to get a cookie or two. I saw Chim and Dad talking. This must be about his track record with needles. "Have you said about the time you passed out and fell onto the floor." I shouted down from the balcony. I saw them all laugh. I went over and joined them again. "Anyone want a cookie?" I asked with a smile seeming as I brought one down with me.

"I will. Thank you." Buck said to me with a smile before taking one.

"Well thanks for that Y/n, the one time someone tried to take my blood as an adult...didn't go well." Dad said before walking off, we all laughed at him. Chim went after him.

"Bobby? Bobby, hold...Wait. Hold on. Hold on. All right, listen, I get it. I really do, okay?" Chim said to him before Dad stopped. "But I really need you to do this for me, all right? Look...I'm alive because that rebar hit my head at just the right angle, and because I had the best damn fire and rescue team to get me to the hospital and the best surgeons in the world once I got there. But I got ten pints of blood, donated blood, given by the very generous people of this city. Now, I told you, I just...I wanted to do this blood drive 'cause I wanted to give a little something back of what I was given. And expressing my gratitude like this- -it balances me out with the universe. Now, you and everybody else here asked me how they could help with my recovery. Well, this is how." Chim said to him, the three of us all walked over to them.

"I'll hold your hand." I said to him before me and Buck started laughing.

"I hate all of you." Dad said making me smile.

Issues // Buck X Reader // 9-1-1 [Book 1] (COMPLETED) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now