59. Treasure Hunt

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26 weeks in and I was already feeling prepared to get this thing out of me, Buck and I had been going to birthing classes and I think he was scared for me. But thankful shift was easy and wasn't too challenging. We had a rescue call to attend to. When we pulled up on scene the SAR's team was already here. "8,000 acres to search. We could be waiting a while." Chim said to us all, I might go into labor before we find them.

"Are they sure someone's up there? That bottle could have been floating around for months." Buck said to us all, and if it was then at least we could bring peace to a family.

"Which would mean our search and rescue might become a search and recovery." Hen said to us, hopefully it was the first one.

"Not was written on a receipt. Rangers checked the date. It was five days ago." Dad said to us, let's just hope that in those five days he was still alive and not kicking the can.

"Sure hope it wasn't their last meal." Eddie said to us all.

"I hope it wasn't either." I said to them before going to get a quick drink.

"We see, Captain Nash. We're coming in now." The pilot of the helicopter said to Dad. Once it landed Dad looked at us all.

"Okay, Chimney, Eddie, gear up. You're going with them." Dad said to us and I was staying with the truck.

"Copy that. You'll harness up, we'll lower you down so you can grab him." Chim said to him, I just went to get another drink. I hated this part of whole pregnancy. I just waited with Hen until the chopper came back and once it did the four of us went straight over to it. "Careful! He's kind of delirious. Been out there awhile." Chim said to us all, looks like we should get on with fluids.

"Said he injured himself three days ago." Eddie said to us all.

"I'm fine. I just want to know when I can get back up there." He said to us, not for a while.

"Definitely not today." Hen said to us.

"Or a while in that case." I said to him.

"Do you have a cell phone?" Dad asked him, he had to.

'Doesn't everyone?" He asked, he had a fair point. It was hard to find some people who didn't have a cell phone.

"Yes. But most people use it to call for help instead of putting a message in a bottle." Hen said to him, that would've made way more sense.

"Battery died yesterday." He said to us, but he injured himself before that.

"That was two days after you injured yourself." Dad said to him, this guy was a joke.

"I didn't want to leave. I was so close. I didn't want anyone else to find the treasure. It's mine! The treasure's mine! Don't tell anyone! Don't let anyone take it. It's mine! The treasure's mine!" He shouted he was delirious. Surely. Once we got back to the station I had to use the toilet. This was the part I hated, feeling like I always needed to go. I then went to go and take a nap, clearly I missed something. Especially when I went back upstairs.

"What did I miss?" I asked them all, they looked at me.

"$5 million is hidden around the city." Chim said to me, time to start planning. It wasn't long until the alarm went off.

"LAFD, coming through. Sir, LAFD is here. Try to stay calm, and we'll get this statue off of you." Dad said before him, Eddie and Buck started pulling it off of him. "We'll have you out in a sec, sir." Dad said to him, I was just waiting to check him over.

'I can't believe it wasn't here." The guy getting the bear hug said to us.

"Well, cross Griffith bear park statue off the list." Eddie said to us, once it was off I checked him over.

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