56. Blindsided

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It had been another week which meant the start of a new trimester. Week 13, nearly week 14. Not that I was counting at all. I was, I had nothing else today. These shifts were going by so quickly. Three days had gone past and that just meant tomorrow would be week 14. And let's just say this week had felt like a long one. I think it's because of the amount of times my feet swelled up. But the best thing about it was the foot massages from my loving husband. When it got to morning it was our big move day. Most of our stuff was at the new place but a few things were still at the old one. "Right, do we have everything." Buck said to me before we were about to hand the key over.

"Yeah, I think so." I said to him, we had a shift so unboxing would start after work. We handed the keys over and headed to shift.

"Hey, anybody got any suggestions for baby names? Not any of your names." Chin said and I looked at him.

"I would share if me and Buck weren't picking names as well." I said to him before going upstairs. I was hungry for something. I started looking in the cupboard.

"What are you looking for?" Dad asked me and I looked at him before the cupboards again.

"Chocolate. I want something sweet." I said to him and he opened a different cupboard.

"There you go, you know your Mom used to crave chocolate when she was pregnant with you. She'd get through 2 bars a day sometimes."  He said to me with a smile.

"Is this your way of saying your hoping for a granddaughter of you want me to watch how much chocolate I eat?" I asked him making him laugh a little bit.

"Maybe it's both." He said to me before walking away I felt someone creep up behind me.

"Be careful with that chocolate, you've already had half a bar." Buck said to me before I looked at him.

"But, I need it." I said to him before I went to take a slither. The bell went off.

"Looks like I'm not the only who thinks the same." He said to me and I glared at him, we had a bad crash on the freeway.

"Make sure everybody stays back until the cars have been de-energized and all the airbags have been checked." I heard Dad say over the radio. I went over to a car.

"You have to help my fiancée." A lady said as she ran over to me and I went over to her.

"Ma'am, I'm with the LAFD, can you hear me." I said before checking her pulse it was weak but it was there.

"Is she alive?" Her partner asked me, this was reminding me too much of me and Shay.

"It's weak but she's but she's got a pulse." I said to her I got in my radio. "I need assistance at a red sedan about 5 minutes away from the start of the crash! Victim has a weak pulse!" I shouted over the radio, I was just waiting for someone to come over. It wasn't long until her pulse was gone.

"How long have you been doing compressions?" A paramedic from another house said to me and I looked at him.

"5 minutes." I said to him and he looked at me, he tried to pull me off.

"Why are you stopping?" Her partner said to me, this whole thing brought back memories.

"I'm sorry." He said to her before looking at the girls fiancée. I hated that this whole thing happened and all because of someone who was DUI.

"I tried all I could but it was too late. I'm sorry." I said to her, she then hugged me. We then had to carry the one she loved over to where the other fatalities were. But we couldn't keep going on as much I didn't want. We had to help others. I noticed that Chim had gone. I take it Maddie was in labour. We were nearly done with everything that's when I saw Buck again.

"Are you okay?" He asked me and I just hugged him

"I had a tough casualty." I said to him before going to take a quick sit down, that's when I heard everyone shout for Albert I went to Hen.

"Albert's missing, he was in the crash." She said to me, I tried to not let my heart drop.

"Albert!" I shouted along with everyone. We had to find him.

"Albert! Can you hear us?" Hen shouted, this wasn't fair at all. We all continued calling for Albert.

"Cap! We've been up and down this road twice. He's-he's not here." Buck shouted, I didn't even see his car.

"Dispatch, this is Captain Nash. That very first 911 caller who reported seeing the vehicle. Which exit were they calling from?" Dad asked over the radio.

"It says exit 43 exit ramp." May said to us over the radio.

"Everybody on me! Come on, we're on the move!" Dad shouted at we all went running to the engine and drove to the exit, once we all got out I was ready to make sure Albert lived.

"Albert! Hey, hey, tire tracks! Right here! Let's go! Let's go! Albert!" Buck shouted as we all went. His car flipped.

"I see him!" Hen shouted and I saw his chest rise and fall.

"He's still breathing!" I shouted at everyone.

"Looks like he's lost a lot of blood. His pulse is racing." Hen shouted at us, we had to get him out.

'Stay with us, Albert." Buck said to him as we started on getting him out. "We're right here. We got you." Buck said as me and Hen backed up.

"Three, two, one." Eddie said before we got him out and onto a backboard. Hen and Eddie were working on him in the ambulance. Tonight was too stressful. Once we got to the hospital I didn't even know how to tell Chim. Buck went to do it and Dad sent me home. I called Hayden over. Once he arrived I just cried.

"Oh, baby what happened." He said to me as he pulled me into a hug and took us over to the sofa.

"There was a lady and her fiancée just died straight in front of her and I couldn't save her." I said to him while crying and he started rubbing my back.

"And it reminded you of everything with Shay." He said a hint of sadness in his voice. "Now, momma, we can't have you upset or stressing so. I'm gonna cook you up a nice hot dinner and run you a hot bath then we are going to wait for Buck to get home. While we wait, I'll stick on some Criminal Minds because I know how much you love that show. Lastly, when your man gets home me and him will do some unpacking whilst you rest up." He said to me making me smile.

"Your too good to me." I said to him while hugging him.

"Hey, not only are you carrying my niece or nephew but your also my best friend who set me up with the best person ever." He said to me making me smile, he then went and ran me a bath. Before starting to cook. Once I was done he got me a plate and we watched Criminal Minds, for the 20th time. After that I went to sleep and him and Buck started on unboxing the rest of the kitchen and the living room. They avoided the bedroom at all costs just to let me rest. God how I hated last night.

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