29. Kids Today

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It had been a few months and Buck had recovered. He was training to go back to work. No one knew that Bobby and Athena were married yet. When it get to one of our calls today we were being used to slow a car down. By being it's brake. "Kid's car is moving like a runaway freight train, but they got a plan to slow him down before he crashes." Dad said to us as we were getting ready. He'd told me what Athena had planned.

"So we're on cleanup duty?" Chim asked us, not at all.

"Not exactly." Dad said before we started leaving the station. I knew that Buck would want to here about this and I didn't know whether to tell him or not. He liked living his work days through me. "They're clearing a stretch of Woolley Avenue. We'll meet them there." Dad said to us.

"How fast is he going?" Hen asked, I wanted you know how successful this could be.

"105." Dad answered. "Once he gets to Woodley Avenue, he'll hit the brakes, hope he slows down a little. That's where we come in." Dad said to us. Let's hope no one dies today.

"That's a vintage car." Chim said to us.

"And it's a nice vintage car as well." I said to Chim.

"Worried about damaging a classic, Chim and Y/n?" Eddie asked us.

"I'm worried about damaging a kid. Airbags weren't standard until the '80s." Chim said to us, that was true.

"A car that old, we're lucky it has a shoulder harness." Hen said to us, that was true. We were very luck if it does have one.

"If they get it down to 60 or 70, you know..." Eddie started.

"I'm liking his chances a lot more." I said to them.

"What kind of crazy person came up with this plan?" Hen asked while looking out the window.

"My wife." Dad answered and they all looked at him. Yeah, they hadn't told anyone.

"Kids on the move. Is everyone in position?" Athena asked over the radio. "Bobby, are you ready?" Athena asked him.

"I'm getting in position on Woodley Avenue." Dad answered. I was kinda nervous for this to happen. If only Buck was here. When the car was behind us we all braced for impact. When the impact hit we all jolted. But we were all okay. When we came to a stop we got out to check on the kid. He was breathing. Eddie got the crowbar and we got the roof of the car open. We then got the kid out before moving I'm to the gurney.

"Getting the dry chems, Cap!" Eddie shouted.

"All right!" Dad shouted.

"Tony! Is he okay?" Tony's dad said to him and us.

"Dad." Tony said to him.

"He's got a broken nose, a possible concussion." Hen said to him, that was good.

"He hit the steering wheel. Was it just your head or your chest too?" Chim asked him, Dad and Eddie started using the dry chems on the car.

"Head." Tony answered.

"I'm not seeing any signs of chest trauma. They'll do some scans at the hospital just in case." Chim said to Tony's dad.

"Hey, buddy, it's gonna be okay. They're gonna take you to the hospital. It's gonna be all right, okay?" His dad asked him, at least his dad was here.

"I'm sorry, Dad." Tony said to him.

"It's all right. It's just a car." His dad to him, it really was just a car. I was talking with Hen about Tony before it went silent.

"I'd call it a loose clutch." Eddie said while holding the clutch in his hand.

"Looks like the gearshift broke clean off under the boot. Throttle must have gotten stuck wide open from the linkage break." Dad said while going through what must've happened.

Issues // Buck X Reader // 9-1-1 [Book 1] (COMPLETED) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now