69. Defend In Place

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When I turned the TV on this morning I saw that there'd be a hurricane in Haiti. It's so sad knowing that a lot of people had lost everything. Once Buck entered the room he turned the channel over. "We should put something happier on, oh, look My Little Pony. That's better for the morning time. Even if she doesn't understand it, we need to know about their next adventure." Buck said while sitting on the sofa, I looked at him confusedly.

"Have you been watching this when I'm not home?" I asked him while looking at him then at the show.

"Maybe a couple of episodes, but you know the show is full of great messages. I'm just teaching her some good lessons." He said to me while Martina was just watching the show confusedly.

"I'll believe you but hundreds won't." I said to him after the episode finished Hayden came and that only meant one thing. Time for shift. There was an explosion at the hospital. It was like something from Grey's Anatomy.

"Dispatch to all units. We have a major explosion at Alvarado Union Hospital. This is a multistory building, with fire involving several floors and spreading. Task Force 153, Task Force 305, Task Force 118, please respond. Hospital evacuation is in progress. Critical patients needing immediate transport to local area ICUs. LAPD providing road closures and traffic control. Responding four more task forces and rescues as well as two additional chief officers. Mobile command and triage center setting up ASAP. Additional companies will be to follow." Dispatch said to us once we arrived on scene. This wasn't looking good.

"All right, everyone, listen up. Ambulatory patients go to parking lot A. Triage patients go to lot B. Ambulance transfers go to lot C. And please, stop calling 911." The hospital manager shouted at everyone as we arrived and got out.

"Explosion was on the fourth floor, Charlie side. The sprinkler system lost pressure in the concussion, so evac is already in process. Anybody who can walk had already vacated. The rest are gonna need our help, starting with the nursery." Dad said to us all, god those poor parents. I was thinking about what we could do and where to go. We got the ladder set up and we all stood on it passing babies down. One at a time.

"How's it looking up there Buck?" Dad asked him over the radio.

"Uh, smoke is starting to breach the door, Cap." Buck said to us we needed to go at this quicker.

"Okay, let's double-time it, guys. We move quickly and carefully." Dad said to us and just like that we went faster until Dad waved me down. "I need you, Ravi and Hen to go up to the fourth floor." He said to me and I nodded.

"Copy that." I said to him before running inside. But before I even made it up there I saw someone on the second floor.

"Y/n, where are you going?" Ravi asked me and I looked at him.

"There's someone over there!" I shouted at him, they both looked at me.

"Go, we've got this." Hen said to me and I ran over to them. There was a lady stuck under a pipe.

"Hello? Anyone." She said to anyone who could hear her. She was a nurse.

"I'm here. I'm firefighter Buckley-Nash I'm gonna get you out of here." I said to her as I ran over.

"Oh, thank god. I thought that this was it." She said to me with a light chuckle she then groaned.

"What's your name?" I asked her with a smile.

"Arabella." She said to me with a smile.

"Well, Arabella. Your going to see another day." I said to her with a smile. I then held the pipe. "Okay, now I need you to be brave. This is going to hurt a lot." I said to her with a smile.

"I can deal with it." She said to me with a smile. I then lifted it off and she screamed in pain. Once she was free I saw the extent of her injuries. She had a crushed pelvis.

"Arabella, you have a crushed pelvis and because there's no elevators I'm going to have to carry you. But everything will be okay." I said to her and she nodded with tears in her eyes.

"Do what you need to." She said to me and I picked her up carefully. I then walked to the stairs. Thankfully it was only a few flights. I then carried her straight down and went to the lot 3.

"What happened here?" One of her fellow nurses asked me.

"Crushed pelvis, a pipe landed on her." I said to them. I went back in and got a few more people out before there was no one left. I was just glad that I spotted Arabella, who knew what would've happened if I didn't. Dad walked over to me.

"I received a call from another hospital, the nurse you saved. She's in the OR, if it wasn't for you. She wouldn't have made it. God job, Y/n." Dad said to me making me smile, god I was glad to hear that. It was nice to know that she wanted to give me an update as well. I decided to go over to the medic tent and lend a hand. Some it wasn't king until Dad radioed us to help with the fire at OR 5.

"All right, I want a unit on each floor. We've got to stay ahead of this thing. Now go, go, go, go!" Dad shouted at us over the radio and we started running. Everyone. "We're gonna give them 12 minutes." Dad said to us and we started fighting the fire until the surgery was in there. We were making sure no smoke was going to enter the space. But I did enter the space. Once the surgery was done we evacuated who was inside whilst I stayed inside putting the fire out. Once the whole hospital was out we headed back and thankfully it was the end of shift.

"Now, we can finally rest." I said to Buck today was just exhausting. We heard Martina cry.

"I'll get her, you rest up." He said to me making me smile. Who knew a hospital would go on fire. There's always the possibility but it never happens. Let's just hope it never does again.

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