28. This Life We Choose

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The bomb attacks were still going off. We had to leave the station again today due to a possible attack. We'd been getting so many calls recently. The call we were responding to was at a school. Bomb squad arrived the same time as us.

"All right, everyone, as close and as tight to the truck as you can be." Buck said to all the kids.

"All right, stay tucked in, stay tucked in." Chim said to all of them.

"We're gonna keep you all safe, don't worry." I said to them all.

"You guys are doing great. Thank you." Buck said to them, Athena started to approach us.

"Teacher spotted it out there after recess. Nobody claimed it." She said to us, this could be a copycat but why target a school.

"Yeah, but it's not a package. I thought this guy sent his bombs through the mail." Buck said to us, that was the part that didn't make sense.

"Maybe he changed his M.O." Chim said to us.

"Or inspired some other crazy." Athena said to us.

"Well whoever did it is a sick human being for targeting a school." I said to them all. We all waited and watched bomb squad do their thing. The lead guy looked at us and then they continued with their work.

"All units be advised. Fire in the hole." He said over the mic to us all.

"Stay tucked in." Chim said to all the kids.

"On my mark!" He said to us.

"Down, down, down." Buck said to them.

"Stay close together." I said to the kids.

"Three...two...one." The guy said before they blew the bag up. We all moved to see what happened. Barely anything.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Stay back, stay back, stay back." Chim said to the kids as they we're trying to look.

"Easy, easy." Athena said to them.

"It's tuna fish." A little girl said to us.

"Emily. Was that your lunch?" A teacher asked her.

"Yes." Emily replied.

"Why didn't you say something?" Athena asked her.

"I don't like tuna fish. Am I under arrest?" She asked, me and Buck smiled at each other. She was a cute kid it was hard not to smile.

"These false alarms are almost more nerve-racking than the real thing." Chim said to us, that was true. I was just hoping it wouldn't happen to one of us.

"Don't even think that." Hen said to him.

"Don't even talk about it." I said to him, it felt like Macbeth. Something you shouldn't say.

"Maybe the whole thing is a false alarm. Maybe it's over." Buck said to us, I hope it was.

"Maybe." Hen said before we went back to the station. When shift ended I was glad to finally have a day off. Of course I didn't really do much so when shift came back around I wasn't prepared for it. We were off to a rally track. Out of a numerous amount of things that could happen. It wasn't anything we could have expected. When we arrived on scene, there wasn't an accident involving cars which was a surprise.

"Ma'am what happened?" Chim asked the woman approaching us.

"He got himself all caught up in the engine- -it just...it just sucked him straight in." She said to Chim and I.

"'She,' damn it! The car is a she!" The guy said to us, he wasn't really in the position to talk.

"Let this be a lesson to you, Roy. You mistreat a woman, it mistreats you right back. You know, I-I've been trying to, like, cut him loose, but I can't quite get in there." She said before showing us how she was trying to cut him out with scissors.

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