20. Merry Ex-Mas

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It was finally that time of the year again. I could smell the Christmas spirit in the air. And don't let me forget to tell you that me and Buck has planned everything and even had a date. One of our late calls was to a guy who'd fallen off the roof. "It's this way." The guys wife said to us. We went over to him.

"Sir, an you move at all?" Dad asked him.

"It hurts." He answered, wasn't the answer we needed but it worked.

"Okay. Probably a good sign. Just stay still. Can you tell me how this happened?" Dad asked him.

"Snowman pushed me off the roof." He said to us.

"Looks like Frosty wasn't in the spirit of Christmas yet." I said to them with a smile. Chim chuckled a little.

"That's a good one Little Nash." He said to me. "Blood pressure's 120/70. Respiration's good." He said tending back to our casualty.

"All right. Yeah." Someone said to him.

"Do we move him over a little bit?" Eddie asked us.

"Yeah." Cham said to him.

"Doesn't appear to be any spinal damage." Eddie said to him.

"All right, let's get him on a backboard." Dad said to us, we did so and looked at the blowup Nativity set.

"Oh, looks like the baby Jesus broke your fall." Chim said to us with a smile.

"That's a Christmas miracle." Buck said making us both laugh a little.

"You guys ready?" Dad asked us as we grabbed onto the board.

"Yeah." Chim said to us. We lifted him up and then put him on a stretcher.

"Oh, look, John, you finally got your wish. Everyone's taking pictures." His wife said to him.

"Ready to go." Someone said to us.

"This is the best Christmas ever." John said, it would be a terrible one in my opinion.

"Ready? One, two..." A paramedic said to us, luckily that was the last call of the night. When I got home I started decorating my apartment, I had a bit of a break and made some hot chocolate. When it got to the morning I got a call from Buck.

"You'll never believe what just happened." He said to me. I rolled over in my bed and looked at the time.

"What happened?" I asked groggily.

"Chim kicked me out. Did I wake you? I'm sorry if I did." He said to me I smiled a little.

"It's ok it was about time I got up. Do you know where your gonna stay?" I asked him while getting out of bed.

"With Maddie until we can get our own place." He said to me. When it got to our new shift it felt like the nights were getting colder.

"I hate the coldness." I said while drinking some warm coffee.

"Says the girl from Minnesota before moving to Chicago where it's mainly cold." Hen said to me.

"Listen, it's mainly sunny here right and hot. It was a relief to feel heat and now it's cold again." I said to her. She just shook her head. The alarm then went off. We were headed to the airport.

"How long's he been in the air?" Buck asked Dad.

"Plane took off from LAX 18 minutes ago. It was diverted to SoCal Airport." Dad said to us.

"18 minutes. It's nearly long enough to reach altitude. It's not good. Cargo isn't pressurized or heated." Eddie said to us, that means we would have no idea what state he would be in.

Issues // Buck X Reader // 9-1-1 [Book 1] (COMPLETED) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now