57. Parenthood

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It had been a month and a bit and I was now 21 weeks pregnant. Before going to shift I had an appointment. Buck had left for work whilst I was heading to the hospital alone. Which was the usual. "How have you been feeling this past days?" My doctor asked me and I looked at her.

"I've been the same, still going through mood changes all the times." I said to her, she was hoping they'd die down by now but they hadn't.

"Now, are you ready to find out the gender of your little one?" She asked me with a smile and I nodded at her.

"So ready." I said to her before she started doing the ultrasound, I looked at the screen. "Wait, I need to make a call." I said to her before she was about to say anything.

"I was wondering if your husband would be joining." I said to her before calling him.

"Everyone's here, I was thinking we could let everyone know the same time we do." Buck said to me before turning the camera around and I smiled.

"I like that idea." I said to him with a smile before the ultrasound started and I watched the monitor and made sure that the phone could see it as well.

"Are you ready to know?" She asked me and I nodded before looking at Buck.

"We're ready doc." Buck said to her with a smile, he was more excited than I was. The amount of times I'd woken up to him telling stories to our little sweetheart was more than I could count.

"Well, then let's see." She said to me before moving the wand around and then stopping. Congratulations on having a baby girl." She said to me, I was getting my dream. After the appointment I went to shift and was congratulated. Dad want a new ultrasound picture so I gave him one of the new ones. I'd posted one to Sylvie seeming as Buck had said she would be the godmother and Eddie being The Godfather. Once we got home we put the new scan picture up on the fridge.

"So, I was thinking. I have the name for our daughter and if you don't like it we can think of something different." Buck said to me as we sat at the table.

"Tell me." I said to him with a smile.

"I was thinking Martina Shay Nash-Buckley." He said to me, as soon as he said 'Shay' I felt tears. "You hate it don't you." He said to me.

"No, it's perfect." I said to him with a smile. When it rolled around to next shift I saw Hen. She had to give Nia back. I gave her a hug.

"Thank you for that Y/n." She said to me while carrying a cake.

"I can't imagine what that pain was like." I said to her and she looked away before looking back.

!it's the worst pain imaginable." She said to me as we headed upstairs.

"So, uh, yeah. The doctor said Albert's physical therapy is going great." Chim said to us, it was his first shift back. We missed him here.

"Welcome back!" Hen said all singsongy.

"Hey! I was just filling then in on Albert's recovery." Chim said to us, no one knew what to say to her.

"I am disappointed in you guys. Where's the banner? Where's the balloons? This is not how we do when somebody comes back to work." Hen said to us all, she looked at me.

"This isn't very welcoming its like shrugging off the fact it's just a new shift with Chim back." I said to them all, god this place looked bland.

"I said it was okay. I don't need that kind of stuff. Not when, uh..." Chim started but he was cut off.

"No, no, no, no. We celebrate every good moment when we can. Now, let me see these baby pictures." Hen said making Chim chuckle.

"Okay." He said before we all laughed, I went over to Buck and hugged him.

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