23. Fight Or Flight

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When we saw Chim laying there I froze for a second. "Buck, call 911. I'll do CPR." I said to him. He got his phone out a dialled 911. I started doing CPR. "Stay with us Chim." I said to him. I didn't care that I was getting covered in blood.

"I'm at 1832 Bryson Avenue I have an adult male with multiple stab wounds to his torso! Need medical and police response!" Buck shouted while taking his jacket off so that we could apply pressure.

"Okay, sir, can I get your name?" The dispatcher asked.

"Evan Buckley. I'm a firefighter with the 118." Buck said to them. He handed me his jacket and I applied to the wounds.

"Buck?" The dispatcher asked.

"Yeah, uh, victim is Howard Han. He's got profuse bleeding to his abdomen. Breathing is laboured. Might have hit a lung. Come on, Chim. Hang in there." Buck said to us. This was going to be something I wouldn't forget.

"Buck, RA unit's two minutes out. Do you know how this happened? How long has he been down?" He asked Buck. We didn't know.

"We don't know. We just got home and found him. Given the amount of blood, I would say minutes, not hours." Buck said to him.

"How's his pulse?" We were asked. I checked it.

"It's weak but it is there." I said to dispatch.

"Jason." Chim said to us, who was Jason?

"H-Hold on, he's, uh, he's talking. Chim, it's us. It's Buck and Y/n. We're here, okay? We just need you to stay with us, Chimney." Buck said to him, we could here the sirens approaching.

"Jason took her..." Chimney said to us. Who was this guy.

"Chimney, who is Jason?" Buck asked him.

"Maddie..." Chim said, I saw Buck's expression change.

"Where is Maddie? Chimney, where is Maddie? Chimney, where is Maddie? Wh-Where is Maddie?" Buck asked, when the paramedics came they took over.

"We got it, Sir and Ma'am." One of them said to us.

"Maddie!" Buck shouted, I then realized who Jason must be.

"Maddie!" I shouted. We ran towards the apartment.

"Maddie!" Buck shouted before going upstairs. I looked downstairs. "Maddie, where are you?! Maddie! Maddie, are you in here?!" Buck shouted.

"She's not down here!" I shouted at him.

"She's not up there either." He said to me. He then went back to talking to 911. "She's, uh...she's not here. She's gone. Oh, no." Buck said we saw that her keys and phone were still here. "All of her stuff is still here." Buck said before putting the phone down. I hugged Buck.

"We're going to find her. We have to." I said to him. He wrapped his arms around me. Even though she wasn't my sister-in-law yet he knew that me and her were really good friends.

"I know we have to." He said to me. When the cops came we went outside, still in our blood covered clothes. "It was Doug. Doug Kendall. He told Maddie he would killer if she left him. He did this." Buck told the detective.

"You said he lives in Pennsylvania. He knows she was here?" The detective asked Buck.

"No, she-she..." Buck said before stopping.

"She was filing for divorce. That could have put her back on his radar." Athena said to him. Dad looked at us.

"Well, we'll take a look at him, but before your friend lost consciousness, he said he was attacked by a Jason Bailey. Either of you know who that is?" We were asked, we didn't.

Issues // Buck X Reader // 9-1-1 [Book 1] (COMPLETED) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now