66. Peer Pressure

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Everything was different now that Chim was gone. It just didn't feel right. This morning I was up before Buck so I started on the breakfast. "What happened to sleeping in?" I asked him with a smile, I was getting ready to go on a run with Martina.

"I, uh, realized that I left my phone down here." He said to me as I drank some juice. He picked up his phone and looked at it.

"I take you haven't had any news on Chim." I said to him while putting my glass down.

"Uh, no, he, he did." He said to me after unlocking his phone.

"I'm glad. What did he say to you?" I asked him as I walked over to him.

"'Stop texting me, Buckley.'" He said to me, I didn't know what to say to him.

"That's something, your talking at least. Baby steps." I said to him and he looked at me. He sat down.

"I haven't heard from Maddie since I told her about Chimney leaving. I guess no one is speaking to me." He said to me and I looked at him and tilted my head.

"Don't make me give you a list, it's only two people that aren't talking to you. Otherwise we must be having a psychic conversation." I said to him, everyone was still talking to him.

"No, it's, uh, it's weird at the station, too." He said to me and I looked at him, that wasn't true.

"It's not because of that. We just miss Chim." I said to him, and he looked at me.

"It's like no one is talking about him. You know they're just avoiding the subject. Avoiding me. Hen is being weird, Eddie is being weird. Everything is just off. You think they blame me for him leaving town?" He asked me and I walked over to him and put my hand on his cheek.

"Listen, all of this is in your head. No one is thinking that, your just putting it all on yourself and making it seem like it's your fault. It's not, Chim decided it on his own." I said to him before kissing him softly. I stayed with him a bit longer before I went on my run. Once I got home I changed before dropping Martina off with Uncle Hayden and heading to work. He enjoyed taking her to the office and since he was in charge no one battered an eye at it. Our first call was for a guy stuck on the toilet? Weird I know.

"Okay. Buck, Eddie is with Hen so you, Y/n and Ravi grab the forcible entry tools." Dad said to us and I nodded. We went over to where they were kept.

"Follow my lead and try not to step on my toes." Hen said to Eddie, she was never like that with me. I'm kinda glad about it.

"Lucky for you I'm an excellent dancer." Eddie said to her in retaliation.

"Same goes for you, probie." Buck said to him, I looked at Ravi.

"Ravi, I don't mind just as long as you ask for help if you need it." I said to him with a smile. Buck grabbed the tool and we walked to the door.

"For security reasons, most residential doors open inwards, which is why the hinges aren't on the outside, and you can't just saw them off." Buck said, me and Hen gave him the same look. Since when did Evan become Professor Buckley.

"Come on." Dad said to us all.

"Why don't you do the honors." Buck said before handing the ram over. Ravi looked back and smiled and I gave him a thumbs up. He then hit against the door and it opened.

"Craig? LAFD here." Dad said before looking around and pointing.

"Help me." Craig said to us all.

"Oh." Hen said. I was looking at the mirror, Narcissus. That must've been something new. Buck was looking at the door, he pulled a splinter off.

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